标题: 有线电视数位化问题与解决策略
Digital cable TV's problem and the strategy to solve these problem
作者: 朱政霖
Cheng-Lin Chu
Chi-Kuo Mao
关键字: 有线电视产业;数位电视;政策工具;消费者决策模式;跨越鸿沟;创新扩散;Cable Television Industry;Digital Television;policy instrument;Consumer’s decision process;crossing the chasm;diffusion of innovations
公开日期: 2007
摘要: 通讯与电视产业的数位化是全球的发展趋势,也是我国既定的政策,行政院新闻局在2002年发表的‘六年国家发展重点计画2002-2007’更明定了数位化的时程,然而经过了六年的时间,我国的数位化程度依然低落,在有线电视拥有超过80%普及率的台湾,其数位化的程度竟然只有2.1%(新闻局,2006),也是就说,从2002年起,每年成长的比例不到1%,显示出我国有线电视数位化的推展出了很大的问题。

2004年10月,行政院新闻局办了一个座谈会,全名为‘台湾有线电视全面数位化可行策略焦点座谈’、2006年NCC委托台湾经济研究院对有线广播电视市场结构调查及竞争政策作分析研究(台经院,2006)、2008年,Media Partners Asia(MPA 2008)针对台湾有线电视数位化情况作调查与分析报告,透过以上报告并结合相关文献,本文将对目前台湾有线电视数位化情形做出详尽介绍,并且对于数位化迟缓问题作归纳与整理,进一步利用相关文献的探讨做出解决数位化问题的策略。

Telecom and TV industry’s digitization is the trend of global, and it’s our government policy, too. Government Information Office announced digitization project in 2002,but six years passed away, the penetration of digital cable TV is still 2.1%, it represents Taiwan’s digital process is falling behind other country and revealing that we have lots of problems on getting digitization moving.

Government Information Office held a forum to discuss the digital cableTV’s problems in 2004, National Communications Commission commissioned Taiwan Institute of Economic Research to research the cable TV’s industry and business strategy in 2006, Media Partners Asia analyzed
digital cable TVs situation in 2008. This study would combine the above-mentioned reports and documents relative to this topic, generalize digital cable TV’s problems and bring up the strategy to solve these problems.

The results of the study are generalizing digital cable TV’s problems to politic dimension, law dimension and market dimension, and uses HFC construction to bring out the strategies of supply and demand dimension.
Supply dimension’s strategy is what policy instrument that our government should adopt to enhance cable TV operators’ investments. Demand dimension’s strategy is how cable TV operators make consumers switch analogy cable TV to digital cable TV.