标题: | 洗髮精女性消費行為之研究 The Female Consumer Behavior Research of Shampoo |
作者: | 邱健淇 Chien Chi Chiu 陳曙光 Shu Guang Chen 經營管理研究所 |
关键字: | 洗髮精;頭髮特質;女性消費行為;Shampoo;Hair speciality;Female Consumer Behavior |
公开日期: | 2003 |
摘要: | 洗髮精的功能越分越細,品牌也越來越多,市面上廠商所推出洗髮精主要有以下幾種分類:正常髮質、油性髮質、乾性髮質適用之洗髮精、去頭皮屑專用洗髮精與染燙髮專用洗髮精,而洗髮精根據頭髮髮質所做出區隔,過去相關文獻並無針對此點詳加探討,洗髮精廠商如此區隔策略是否適當,因此本研究之目的在探討女性消費者對於目前洗髮精依個人頭髮特質的分類重視程度、購買意願與針對頭髮長度分類的洗髮精接受意願,並探討女性消費者對於洗髮精的使用情形、使用潤、護髮乳的情況、品牌忠誠度、重視產品的屬性、廣告人物偏好。 研究主要結果有以下幾點: 1.大部分消費者主要在自己家裡洗髮,但46歲以上則比較偏好到美髮 店洗髮消費者不重視洗髮精油性/中性/乾性分類的比例很低, 36~45歲、教育程度較高、髮質為油性的消費者較重視洗髮精油性/ 中性/乾性之分類。 2.消費者會購買染、燙髮專用洗髮精的意願很高,但46歲以上與教育 程度較低的消費群較無購買意願。 3.消費者接受針對頭髮長度專用洗髮精的比例不低,其中26~35歲以 及教育程度較高的消費群接受意願較高。 4.女性消費者洗髮後大多會使用潤髮乳,且使用潤髮乳的情況與個人 頭髮特質有顯著關係。 5.大部分消費者偶爾會使用護髮乳,使用護髮乳的情況與人口統計變 數有顯著相關,此外有染燙髮之消費群較常使用護髮乳。 6.消費者一年內所使用過的洗髮精2個品牌占大多數。 7.消費者較偏好之洗髮精廣告人物為「偶像明星」,其次是「專業美 髮師」與「專業女性」,經研究分析,與人口統計變數皆有顯著相 關。 8.消費者較重視的洗髮精產品屬性為「深層清潔」、「滋養頭髮」、 「溫和不傷髮質」、「洗後柔順」與「去頭皮屑」,其中,油性髮 質的消費者特別重視「去頭皮屑」與「深層清潔」,中性與乾性髮 質則重視「滋養頭髮」與「洗後保溼」,染髮之消費群特別重視 「保護頭髮色澤」與「修復分岔」,燙髮之消費群則較重視「修復 分岔」。 There are more and more diversified functions and brands of shampoo. The major type of shampoo on the market includes: for dry/normal/oily hair, anti-scurf, dye/perm hair etc. Little has been done in the past study in discussing with appropriate segment of hair speciality. This study focuses on the emphasis and purchase intention depending on classifying personal hair condition. And accept intention of shampoo depending on the length of hair with female consumers is also considered. This study also explores the usage of shampoo, conditioner and hair cream, brand loyalty, product attributes, preference of advertisement spokesperson. The major findings of this study include: 1.Most of consumers wash hair by themselves at home. But consumers’ age of 46s above prefer to go to hair salon. It has a low ratio of consumers that do not emphasize on the classifying dry/normal/oily shampoo. And the people are 36-45 years old, having higher education, oily hair, more emphasize on the classifying dry/normal/oily shampoo. 2.Consumers have high intentions of buying dye/perm shampoo, besides whose age of 46s above or having lower education. 3.Consumers tend to accept to buy shampoo depending on different length of hair, especially consumers with 26-36 years old or having higher education. 4.Female consumers are used to use conditioner depending on their hair condition. 5.Most of consumers sometimes use hair cream. The usage of hair cream is significantly related to demographics. The people who dye or perm are much often use hair cream. 6.Most of consumers use two brands of shampoo during a year. 7.The advertisement spokesperson that consumers prefer to is idol, and next are professional hairdresser and female. It is significantly related to demographics. 8.The product attributes that consumers emphasize on are deep clean, nutritional, mild, smooth and anti-scurf. Consumers with oily hair especially emphasize on anti-scurf and deep clean. Consumers with normal and dry hair emphasize on nutrition and moisture. Consumers with dyeing hair emphasize on protecting color and repairing fork. Consumers with perm hair emphasize on repairing fork. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/59679 |
显示于类别: | Thesis |