标题: | 绿脓杆菌PAO1中杂合感应子的特性分析 Fuctional characterization of the sensor/response regulator hybrid proteins in Pseudomonas aeruginosa |
作者: | 黄致翔 Chih-Hsiang Huang 彭慧玲 Hwei-Ling Peng 生物科技学系 |
关键字: | 杂合感应子;hybrid sensors |
公开日期: | 2002 |
摘要: | 中文摘要 绿脓杆菌一种伺机性感染的细菌,常在免疫系统不全的个体,例如烧伤患者及肺纤维囊肿病患身上引发院内感染。目前绿脓杆菌的基因序列已全数定序完成(http://www.psuedomonas.com/),总数达6.3 Mbp,其中包含5,570个开放读架,预估能制造多达6,200个蛋白质。经专家们依其序列相似性以及相关研究统合的结果,大致将这些基因分为26个不同功能的群组,其中的双分子讯息传递系统群组又可细分为三类:感应子类、调控子类、以及感应/调控杂合子类。感应子是用来感应外界环境并将讯息传至细胞内的调控子;调控子则在接收感应子所传来的讯息后,依生存所需去调控基因表现;目前已有文献指出感应/调控杂合子其实为一种感应子,其讯息传递需藉由游离的组胺酸磷酸转移分子作为桥梁,才能顺利将讯息传到调控子。 因此,我们设计了三个实验:其一,是挑选两个感应/调控杂合子基因PA0928及PA1611构筑其缺损株,观察此两者基因的缺损会为绿脓杆菌带来什么影响,结果发现PA1611基因缺损株无论以生长曲线或游动分析,皆与野生株无异,但缺损株的pyocyanin生成量则比野生株为高,因此其确实的功能还须进一步实验探知,而PA0928缺损株则在挑选过程中不断出现高浓度卡那霉素耐受菌株,因此目前尚未顺利取得。其二,我们表现绿脓杆菌中被提出可能的游离组胺酸磷酸转移分子蛋白质HptA, B, 及C,以及PA0928、PA1611部分蛋白质,藉由体外磷酸化实验发现重组蛋白0928H, 0928HD, 1611H, 1611HD皆具有自我磷酸化能力,HptA, B, 及C则没有,且1611HD只会将其磷酸根转移至HptB。其三,我们挑选不同的生长环境,以北方墨渍法侦测PA0928及PA1611所转录转译出的杂合感应子感应的讯息为何,进而推测此二者所扮演的角色及调控的下游基因,结果发现铁离子的浓度以及H2O2所造成的氧化压力皆能使PA0928的基因表现量增加,此外,我们所挑选的生长条件皆不会影响PA1611的表现量。 Abstract Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a typical opportunistic pathogen which colonizes the lungs of cystic fibrosis patients and causes severe infections in immunocompromised host. To modulate adaptive responses to the environment, this bacterium utilizes two-component systems, in which the signals from environmental stimuli are transducted by means of phosphorylation from sensor kinases to corresponding regulators for appropriate gene expression. 10 hybrid sensors that contain the kinase domain of sensor and the receiver domain of the response regulator were found in the genome of P. aeruginosa PAO1. Comparing with the unorthodox sensors, these hybrid sensors do not have a histidine-containing phosphotransfer (Hpt) domain. In consideration of the three steps phosphorylation model of the unorthodox systems, it has been proposed that the hybrid sensors possibly also carry out three-step signal transduction by transmitting their signal to the down stream response regulators by the three Hpt-like ORFs (HptA, B, and C) which were found elsewhere in the genome. To demonstrate the functional roles of the hybrid sensors, PA0928 and PA1611 were selected for further investigation. The mutants were firstly constructed and their properties including changes of growth curve and swarming assay were characterized. However, there was no difference between wild-type PAO1 and the PA1611 mutants. PA1611 mutants appear to produce more pyocyanin, which indicate that PA1611 may involve in the control of pyocyanin production. PA0928 mutant was failed to isolate because of the tolerance of P. aeruginosa. The phosphorelay specificity between the hybrid sensors and the Hpt molecules was also determined. The C-terminal DNA fragments of PA0928 and PA1611 containing both histidine kinase domain (H) and receiver domain (D), or only the H domain were respectively cloned. The recombinant proteins including 0928HD, 1611HD, 0928H, 1611H, HptA, HptB and HptC, were respectively overexpressed in E. coli expression system, and then purified by affinity chromatography. These purified proteins were then used in the in-vitro phosphorelay assay with [γ-32P]ATP as a phosphodonor. The two recombinant proteins PA0928 and PA1611 appeared to have autokinase activities, and the phosphoryl group from the phosphorylated 1611HD was able to be transferred specifically to HptB, but not HptA nor HptC. In addition, northern blotting was used to detect the expressions of PA0928 and PA1611 under various growth conditions, including LB and M9 medium, M9 medium with 1.5 mM NaCl, 200 mM FeCl3, or 19.5 mM H2O2, M9 medium with 25 mM glycerol, acetate, or succinate as carbon source instead of glucose. The results indicate that the concentration of Fe3+ and the oxidative stress stimulate the expression of PA0928. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/69838 |
显示于类别: | Thesis |