标题: 具冠状与齿形修整之螺旋齿轮的齿印分析
Bearing Contact Analysis of Helical Gears with Crowned and Profile Modification Teeth
作者: 苏政豪
Jheng-hao Su
Chung-Biau Tasy
关键字: 齿形修整;螺旋齿轮;齿印;偏摆;Profile Modification;Helical Gear;Bearing Contact;runout
公开日期: 2005
摘要: 渐开线螺旋齿轮早已普遍使用多时,其相关之齿面修整方式亦有诸多研究及运用,冠状修整、转位修整与改变压力角等均为业界所常用之齿形修整方式。但目前尚未见有具冠状且具转位齿形修整之渐开线螺旋齿轮的整合齿面数学模式,亦缺少对此类具齿面修整之齿轮进行接触研究与齿印分析,因此,建立其齿面数学模式并进行研究分析,以及考量装配误差为非定值之偏摆误差的影响及特性,将可对渐开线螺旋齿轮之齿面修整的特性更为瞭解,并有助于本文所提及齿面修整技术在产业上的运用。
Involute helical gears have been widely used for a long time, and there are many researches and applications on the tooth modification methods for that. Tooth crowning, shifting modification and changing pressure angle are frequently used methods for tooth modifications by industry. However, an integrated mathematical model for helical gears with crowned and profile- shifted modification teeth has not been developed yet, and lack of researches on tooth contact and bearing contact analysis on modified tooth gears. Therefore, this study develops a mathematical model and performs the analysis with considerations on the influence and properties of gears with runout errors that the values of misalignment errors are varied. This enables us to increase the understanding of characteristics of tooth modifications, and facilitates the
industry applications to this kind of gears.
In this thesis, according to the theory of gearing and gear generation mechanism, a mathematical model for helical gears with crowned and profile–shifted modification teeth has been developed. Based on the gear meshing theory, mathematical models of tooth contact and bearing contact analysis have also been established. The location of contact points and kinematic errors of gears with ideal, misalignment and runout assemblies have been investigated. Bearing contact pattern and location as well as the influences of
tooth modifications on the involute helical gears have also been studied.


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