Title: 鋼梁接圓形鋼管混凝土柱接頭耐震行為
Seismic Behavior of Steel Beam to Concrete-Filled Circular Steel Tube Column Connections
Authors: 羅勝宏
Sheng-Hung Lo
Cheng-Chih Chen
Keywords: 梁柱接頭;實尺寸試驗;夾型鋼板;鋼管混凝土柱;beam-to-column;full-scale test;clamping plate;concrete-filled tube column
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 鋼管混凝土具有高強度、高勁度與韌性佳之優點,但其梁柱接頭細節不易設計,往往需要大量銲接方能達到設計要求。因此本研究設計一夾型板式接頭,其夾型鋼板貫穿鋼管並以開槽銲與鋼管接合,夾型鋼板延伸出柱面段則與鋼梁填角銲接合。藉由夾型鋼板貫穿鋼管將梁翼應力傳導入交會區,避免梁柱交接面應力集中;夾型鋼板自柱面延長段補強梁翼斷面,並於延長段末端形成塑鉸消散地震能量。
Concrete-filled tube (CFT) columns possess several structural advantages such as stiffness, strength, and ductility. However, it is difficult to joint the steel beam to the circular CFT column due to its complexity. This research proposed a connection detail, which is by penetrating a pair of clamping plates through the tube and welding to the steel beam. The force-transferred mechanism of the connection is established by transferring the beam flange forces into the tube and concrete core through those clamping plates.
Four large-scale specimens were designed and fabricated to identify the possible failure mode. Test results indicate that the penetrated clamping plate connections possess the satisfactory connection strength and inelastic deformation ability required for the moment connection when the shear strength in the joint is adequately designed. Joint shear failure, presented by the shear cracking on the concrete inside the tube, is the controlled mode of failure for the flange plate connection with weak joint shear strength. The clamping plates are effective to transfer the beam flange forces into the concrete core. Proposed softened strut-and-tie model can predict the joint shear strength well.
Appears in Collections:Thesis