標題: 觸覺在概念模型中的幾個現象
Some Phenomena of Tactile Sensation in Study Models
作者: 張□亭
Chuang-Ting Chang
Yu-Tung Liu
關鍵字: 設計過程;概念模型;觸覺;可觸碰的;觸感;數位媒材;實體模型建構;虛擬模型建構;電腦輔助構想發展;電腦輔助設計;design process;study models;tactile sensation;haptic;sense of touch;digital media;physical modeling;virtual 3D modeling;computer aided concept development;computer aided design
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 觸覺,可以輔助人類傳達情感,這樣的知覺機制能讓人覺察到實質感,因此,藉由真實感的回應知道自己正在觸碰某物或者是某人(Hinckley et al., 1999)。有時人類亦配合雙手,猶如溝通的工具般,結合動作或手勢去衍生更多的想法(Bolt & Herranz, 1992; Sturman & Zeltzer 1993)。在傳統設計過程中,設計者習慣以製作概念模型的方式去轉換對於空間的想像與創造力,進而發展設計構想;如今,當數位媒材與工具逐漸融入於設計過程中的時,設計者需配合調整自己的設計習慣,其中最大的差異即在於『觸覺』。但是,回顧過去,除僅有鮮少研究強調出觸覺在設計過程中所扮演的重要性外,由於設計者觸覺介面的的轉變也產生一些適應性的課題(Schkolne et al., 2001; Wesche & Seidel, 2001; Igarashi et al., 1999),然而至今探討相關於設計中的觸覺研究仍有不足之處。因此,有鑑於前述,本研究目的即欲試圖找出「觸覺」在發展概念模型的設計過程中所產生的現象,以期將來能更有效率地輔助數位媒材工具發展,創造出發展設計的平台。本研究方法與步驟分為兩步驟來探討。第一,認知實驗:請受測者以三種設計媒材進行三個實驗,利用口語分析方法(Protocol Analysis)中的放聲思考法(think-aloud),試圖了解設計者利用操作概念模型發展構想的觸覺經驗。第二,編碼與分析:本研究從「生理」與「認知心理」兩個層面出發,將實驗內容以三組編碼方式編碼與分析後提出所獲得的分析結果。最後,提出四點觸覺在發展概念模型中的現象與幾點研究貢獻,其研究內容詳細敘述於論文中。
The senses of “Touch” bring people the feeling of reality, and human beings can always naturally sense the tactile impression (Hinckley et al. 1999). Hence we touch things and our sense tells us that our hands are touching something (Bolt & Herranz, 1992; Sturman & Zeltzer 1993). The Study models play a key role in transferring our spatial imagination and various possibilities in design process. However, Comparing the tools between traditional and new digital media in the design process, the most difference is the sense of touch. While designers get used to facilitate new media and create study models in the early stage of design process, it still attributes some deficiencies (Schkolne et al., 2001; Weshe & Seidel, 2001; Igarashi et al., 1999). In addition, although many researchers proposed systems or theories that evolved with haptic elements, but no one has assessed the functions of touch. Hence, I suppose to understand the tactile experience in concept generation stage of design process first. The objective of this paper focuses on the sense of touch to elucidate the tactile sensation of study models, which have ignored by the past in design process.Two steps are consisted by cognitive approach (Protocol analysis). Firstly, subjects are asked to use three kinds of media finishing cognitive experiments. Secondly, based on two directions of Physiology and Cognitive Psychology, the data was analyzed by three coding schemes. Afterward, four phenomena of tactile sensation in study models will be discussed in details and some useful suggestions given for future study.


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