Browsing by Author 楊佳靜

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2-Oct-2011丹麥樂團 透過廣告席捲全球楊佳靜; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
25-Dec-2011傅榆 用影像透視真實楊佳靜; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
29-Apr-2012公共與藝術間的兩難楊佳靜; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
25-Mar-2012公共藝術 漫步台北楊佳靜; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
25-Sep-2011到德國挖水管的日子楊佳靜; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
8-Apr-2012原來 藝術也能變醫術楊佳靜; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
13-May-2012台大兒醫 為孩子量身訂做 楊佳靜; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
10-Jun-2012寶藏巖 藝居尋共生 楊佳靜; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
11-Dec-2011尋找一個 更好的世界楊佳靜; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
30-Oct-2011彩虹征戰 讓歧視滾蛋楊佳靜; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
18-Sep-2011新手上路楊佳靜; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
8-Jan-2012泳池開幕 票價惹議楊佳靜; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
27-Nov-2011籠裡的女人楊佳靜; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
16-Oct-2011綿延五十年的思念與包容楊佳靜; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
9-Oct-2011總編輯的話楊佳靜; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
1-Apr-2012與藝術同居楊佳靜; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
29-Mar-2014葉菊蘭 做小王子那獨特的玫瑰楊佳靜; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
11-Mar-2012藝術背後的人文之美 楊佳靜; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
27-May-2012藝術進駐 醫院好fun鬆       楊佳靜; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
20-Nov-2011買得起的時尚楊佳靜; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系