Browsing by Author 賴映秀

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 22  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
13-Nov-2011Let's goto&Play賴映秀; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
11-Mar-2012一生一世 慎重其事賴映秀; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
6-May-2012一起走紅毯賴映秀; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
27-Nov-2011失戀告解 A-Lin黃麗玲賴映秀; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
17-Jun-2012婚禮產業 商機無限賴映秀; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
3-Jun-2012婚紗攝影 記錄幸福賴映秀; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
25-Sep-2011《少女》見證死亡的瞬間賴映秀; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
11-Dec-2011平民藝術 紙箱奇蹟賴映秀; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
25-Mar-2012打造幸福時刻 陳欣妏賴映秀; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
30-Oct-2011搗蛋市場 尋寶同歡賴映秀; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
18-Sep-2011新手上路賴映秀; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
23-Oct-2011沒有秘密的世代賴映秀; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
8-Jan-2012無紙時代 電子發票上路賴映秀; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
8-Apr-2012結婚大小事賴映秀; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
13-May-2012結婚序曲 I Do賴映秀; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
4-Dec-2011總編輯的話賴映秀; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
27-May-2012耐心與細心 共築溫馨婚禮賴映秀; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
29-Mar-2014詹晏東 愛家男人 家族聚會不缺席賴映秀; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
20-Nov-2011速食進餐廳 校園熱議賴映秀; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
2-Oct-2011進棚倒數 《瘋狂電視台》開播賴映秀; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系