Browsing by Author Rees, David G.

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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
27-Nov-2017Bistable transport properties of a quasi-one-dimensional Wigner solid on liquid helium under continuous drivingRees, David G.; Yeh, Sheng-Shiuan; Lee, Ban-Chen; Kono, Kimitoshi; Lin, Juhn-Jong; 電子物理學系; 物理研究所; Department of Electrophysics; Institute of Physics
24-Aug-2020Dynamical decoupling and recoupling of the Wigner solid to a liquid helium substrateRees, David G.; Yeh, Sheng-Shiuan; Lee, Ban-Chen; Schnyder, Simon K.; Williams, Francis I. B.; Lin, Juhn-Jong; Kono, Kimitoshi; 電子物理學系; 物理研究所; 國際半導體學院; Department of Electrophysics; Institute of Physics; International College of Semiconductor Technology
1-Dec-2013Reentrant Melting of a Classical Quasi-One-Dimensional Wigner Crystal on the Surface of Liquid HeliumRees, David G.; Ikegami, Hiroki; Kono, Kimitoshi; 物理研究所; Institute of Physics
16-May-2016Stick-Slip Motion of the Wigner Solid on Liquid HeliumRees, David G.; Beysengulov, Niyaz R.; Lin, Juhn-Jong; Kono, Kimitoshi; 電子物理學系; 物理研究所; Department of Electrophysics; Institute of Physics
29-Jul-2016Structural order and melting of a quasi-one-dimensional electron systemRees, David G.; Beysengulov, Niyaz R.; Teranishi, Yoshiaki; Tsao, Chun-Shuo; Yeh, Sheng-Shiuan; Chiu, Shao-Pin; Lin, Yong-Han; Tayurskii, Dmitrii A.; Lin, Juhn-Jong; Kono, Kimitoshi; 電子物理學系; 物理研究所; Department of Electrophysics; Institute of Physics