Browsing by Author Smith, M. R.

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Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2009CVD Flow Field Modeling Using the Quiet Direct Simulation (QDS) MethodCave, H. M.; Lim, C. -W.; Jermy, M. C.; Wu, J. -S.; Smith, M. R.; Krumdieck, S. P.; 機械工程學系; Department of Mechanical Engineering
1-Jun-2012Development of a parallel semi-implicit two-dimensional plasma fluid modeling code using finite-volume methodLin, K-M.; Hung, C-T.; Hwang, F-N.; Smith, M. R.; Yang, Y-W.; Wu, J-S.; 機械工程學系; Department of Mechanical Engineering
5-Nov-2013The direction decoupled Quiet Direct Simulation method for rapid simulation of axisymmetric inviscid unsteady flow in pulsed pressure chemical vapour depositionLim, C. W.; Smith, M. R.; Cave, H. M.; Jermy, M. C.; Wu, J. -S.; Krumdieck, S. P.; 機械工程學系; Department of Mechanical Engineering
2011General Higher Order Extension to the Quiet Direct Simulation MethodLin, Y. -J.; Smith, M. R.; Cave, H. M.; Huang, J. -C.; Wu, J. -S.; 機械工程學系; Department of Mechanical Engineering
1-Apr-2009An improved Quiet Direct Simulation method for Eulerian fluids using a second-order schemeSmith, M. R.; Cave, H. M.; Wu, J. -S.; Jermy, M. C.; Chen, Y. -S.; 機械工程學系; Department of Mechanical Engineering
1-Oct-2012Large-scale simulations on multiple Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) for the direct simulation Monte Carlo methodSu, C. -C.; Smith, M. R.; Kuo, F. -A.; Wu, J. -S.; Hsieh, C. -W.; Tseng, K. -C.; 機械工程學系; Department of Mechanical Engineering
1-Jan-2011Multi-Species Fluxes for the Parallel Quiet Direct Simulation (QDS) MethodCave, H. M.; Lim, C. -W.; Jermy, M. C.; Krumdieck, S. P.; Smith, M. R.; Lin, Y. -J.; Wu, J. -S.; 機械工程學系; Department of Mechanical Engineering
2011Parallel Direct Simulation Monte Carlo Computation Using CUDA on GPUsSu, C. -C.; Hsieh, C. -W.; Smith, M. R.; Jermy, M. C.; Wu, J. -S.; 機械工程學系; Department of Mechanical Engineering
1-Jan-2011Quiet Direct Simulation (QDS) of Viscous Flow Using the Chapman-Enskog DistributionSmith, M. R.; Kuo, F. -A.; Cave, H. M.; Jermy, M. C.; Wu, J. -S.; 機械工程學系; Department of Mechanical Engineering
1-Nov-2013A true-direction reconstruction of the quiet direct simulation method for inviscid gas flowsLin, Y. -J.; Smith, M. R.; Kuo, F. -A.; Cave, H. M.; Huang, J. -C.; Wu, J. -S.; 機械工程學系; Department of Mechanical Engineering