Browsing by Author Teraguchi, Shunsuke

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Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
14-Aug-2006Comments on the high energy limit of bosonic open string theoryChan, Chuan-Tsung; Ho, Pei-Ming; Lee, Jen-Chi; Teraguchi, Shunsuke; Yang, Yi; 電子物理學系; Department of Electrophysics
19-May-2011E(6) grand unified theory with three generations from heterotic string theoryIto, Motoharu; Kuwakino, Shogo; Maekawa, Nobuhiro; Moriyama, Sanefumi; Takahashi, Keijiro; Takei, Kazuaki; Teraguchi, Shunsuke; Yamashita, Toshifumi; 電子物理學系; Department of Electrophysics
19-May-2011E-6 grand unified theory with three generations from heterotic string theoryIto, Motoharu; Kuwakino, Shogo; Maekawa, Nobuhiro; Moriyama, Sanefumi; Takahashi, Keijiro; Takei, Kazuaki; Teraguchi, Shunsuke; Yamashita, Toshifumi; 電子物理學系; Department of Electrophysics
1-Dec-2011Heterotic E(6) GUTs and partition functionsIto, Motoharu; Kuwakino, Shogo; Maekawa, Nobuhiro; Moriyama, Sanefumi; Takahashi, Keijiro; Takei, Kazuaki; Teraguchi, Shunsuke; Yamashita, Toshifumi; 電子物理學系; Department of Electrophysics
1-Dec-2011Heterotic E-6 GUTs and partition functionsIto, Motoharu; Kuwakino, Shogo; Maekawa, Nobuhiro; Moriyama, Sanefumi; Takahashi, Keijiro; Takei, Kazuaki; Teraguchi, Shunsuke; Yamashita, Toshifumi; 電子物理學系; Department of Electrophysics
2006Zero-norm states and stringy symmetriesChan, Chuan-Tsung; Ho, Pei-Ming; Lee, Jen-Chi; Teraguchi, Shunsuke; Yi-Yang; 電子物理學系; Department of Electrophysics