Browsing by Author Yoon, Daekeun

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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Sep-2019A 270-GHz CMOS Triple-Push Ring Oscillator With a Coupled-Line Matching NetworkKim, Sooyeon; Yoon, Daekeun; Rich, Jae-Sung; 國際半導體學院; International College of Semiconductor Technology
1-Sep-2019A 270-GHz CMOS Triple-Push Ring Oscillator With a Coupled-Line Matching NetworkKim, Sooyeon; Yoon, Daekeun; Rieh, Jae-Sung; 國際半導體學院; International College of Semiconductor Technology
2016A 290-GHz CMOS Heterodyne Integrated ImagerYoon, Daekeun; Kim, Jungsoo; Rieh, Jae-Sung; 國際半導體學院; International College of Semiconductor Technology
1-Sep-2017300-GHz Direct and Heterodyne Active Imagers Based on 0.13-mu m SiGe HBT TechnologyYoon, Daekeun; Kim, Jungsoo; Yun, Jongwon; Kaynak, Mehmet; Tillack, Bernd; Rieh, Jae-Sung; 交大名義發表; National Chiao Tung University
2016Approaches to Enhance the Performance of SiGe Imagers Operating near 130 GHz and 300 GHzRieh, Jae-Sung; Yoon, Daekeun; Yun, Jongwon; Song, Kiryong; Kim, Jungsoo; Kim, Sooyeon; Yoo, Junghwan; Kaynak, Mehmet; Tillack, Bernd; 國際半導體學院; International College of Semiconductor Technology
1-Jan-2019Multi-Gbps Tri-Band 28/38/60-GHz CMOS Transmitter for Millimeter-Wave Radio System-on-Chipdel Rio, David; Yoon, Daekeun; Chen, Fan-Ta; Zhang, Yan; Liang, Chia-Jen; Chiang, Ching-Wen; Chang, Mau-Chung Frank; Kuan, Yen-Cheng; 交大名義發表; National Chiao Tung University
1-Jan-2018Terahertz InP HBT OscillatorsRieh, Jae-Sung; Yun, Jongwon; Yoon, Daekeun; Kim, Jungsoo; Son, Heekang; 國際半導體學院; International College of Semiconductor Technology
1-May-2017Terahertz Reflection-Mode Biological Imaging Based on InP HBT Source and DetectorYun, Jongwon; Oh, Seung Jae; Song, Kiryong; Yoon, Daekeun; Son, Hye Young; Choi, Yuna; Huh, Yong-Min; Rieh, Jae-Sung; 交大名義發表; National Chiao Tung University
1-Sep-2018Three-Dimensional Terahertz Tomography With Transistor-Based Signal Source and Detector Circuits Operating Near 300 GHzKim, Jungsoo; Yoon, Daekeun; Yun, Jongwon; Song, Kiryong; Kaynak, Mehmet; Tillack, Bernd; Rieh, Jae-Sung; 國際半導體學院; International College of Semiconductor Technology