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顯示 1 到 8 筆資料,總共 8 筆
1-十二月-2011A balanced scorecard approach to establish a performance evaluation and relationship model for hot spring hotels based on a hybrid MCDM model combining DEMATEL and ANPChen, Fu-Hsiang; Hsu, Tsung-Shin; Tzeng, Gwo-Hshiung; 科技管理研究所; Institute of Management of Technology
1-三月-2014Developing e-store marketing strategies to satisfy customers' needs using a new hybrid gray relational modelChiu, Wan Yu; Tzeng, Gwo Hshiung; Li, Han Lin; 科技管理研究所; 資訊管理與財務金融系 註:原資管所+財金所; Institute of Management of Technology; Department of Information Management and Finance
9-五月-2019Exploring heritage tourism performance improvement for making sustainable development strategies using the hybrid-modified MADM modelPeng, Kua-Hsin; Tzeng, Gwo-Hshiung; 科技管理研究所; Institute of Management of Technology
1-七月-2014Exploring smart phone improvements based on a hybrid MCDM modelHu, Shu-Kung; Lu, Ming-Tsang; Tzeng, Gwo-Hshiung; 管理科學系; Department of Management Science
2013A HYBRID DYNAMIC MADM MODEL FOR PROBLEM-IMPROVEMENT IN ECONOMICS AND BUSINESSPeng, Kua-Hsin; Tzeng, Gwo-Hshiung; 科技管理研究所; Institute of Management of Technology
1-十二月-2013Improving RFID adoption in Taiwan's healthcare industry based on a DEMATEL technique with a hybrid MCDM modelLu, Ming-Tsang; Lin, Shi-Woei; Tzeng, Gwo-Hshiung; 管理科學系; Department of Management Science
1-七月-2016Multicriteria Decision Analysis to Develop Effective Sustainable Development Strategies for Enhancing Competitive Advantages: Case of the TFT-LCD Industry in TaiwanLu, Iuan-Yuan; Kuo, Tsuanq; Lin, Ting-Syuan; Tzeng, Gwo-Hshiung; Huang, Shan-Lin; 科技管理研究所; Institute of Management of Technology
2010國家觀光競爭力改善策略之混合式多評準決策模型彭廣興; Peng, Kua-Hsin; 黃仁宏; Huang, Jen-Hung; 管理科學系所