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顯示 1 到 20 筆資料,總共 55 筆  下一頁 >
一月-2022GOAL1 消除貧窮校務大數據研究中心; Center for Institutional Research and Data Analytics, NYCU
一月-2023GOAL1 終結貧窮校務大數據研究中心; Center for Institutional Research and Data Analytics, NYCU
一月-2023GOAL10 消弭不平等校務大數據研究中心; Center for Institutional Research and Data Analytics, NYCU
一月-2022GOAL10 減少不平等校務大數據研究中心; Center for Institutional Research and Data Analytics, NYCU
一月-2022GOAL11 永續城鄉校務大數據研究中心; Center for Institutional Research and Data Analytics, NYCU
一月-2023GOAL11 永續城鄉與社區校務大數據研究中心; Center for Institutional Research and Data Analytics, NYCU
一月-2023GOAL12 負責任的生產消費循環校務大數據研究中心; Center for Institutional Research and Data Analytics, NYCU
一月-2022GOAL12 責任消費與生產校務大數據研究中心; Center for Institutional Research and Data Analytics, NYCU
一月-2022GOAL13 氣候行動校務大數據研究中心; Center for Institutional Research and Data Analytics, NYCU
一月-2023GOAL13 氣候變遷對策校務大數據研究中心; Center for Institutional Research and Data Analytics, NYCU
一月-2022GOAL14 保護海洋生態校務大數據研究中心; Center for Institutional Research and Data Analytics, NYCU
一月-2023GOAL14 水下生命校務大數據研究中心; Center for Institutional Research and Data Analytics, NYCU
一月-2022GOAL15 保育陸域生態校務大數據研究中心; Center for Institutional Research and Data Analytics, NYCU
一月-2023GOAL15 陸域生態校務大數據研究中心; Center for Institutional Research and Data Analytics, NYCU
一月-2023GOAL16 公平、正義與和平校務大數據研究中心; Center for Institutional Research and Data Analytics, NYCU
一月-2022GOAL16 和平、正義與健全制度校務大數據研究中心; Center for Institutional Research and Data Analytics, NYCU
一月-2023GOAL17 全球夥伴關係校務大數據研究中心; Center for Institutional Research and Data Analytics, NYCU
一月-2022GOAL17 多元夥伴關係校務大數據研究中心; Center for Institutional Research and Data Analytics, NYCU
一月-2023GOAL2 終結飢餓校務大數據研究中心; Center for Institutional Research and Data Analytics, NYCU
一月-2022GOAL2 終結飢餓校務大數據研究中心; Center for Institutional Research and Data Analytics, NYCU