Browsing by Author Chao, Shu-Ju

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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
20-Jul-2020Characteristics of low and high SUVA precursors: Relationships among molecular weight, fluorescence, and chemical composition with DBP formationHua, Lap-Cuong; Chao, Shu-Ju; Huang, Kochin; Huang, Chihpin; 環境工程研究所; Institute of Environmental Engineering
1-Jul-2018Effects of C/N ratio on nitrate removal and floc morphology of autohydrogenotrophic bacteria in a nitrate-containing wastewater treatment processTran Ngoc Phu Nguyen; Chao, Shu-Ju; Chen, Pei-Chung; Huang, Chihpin; 環境工程研究所; Institute of Environmental Engineering
1-Jan-2019Fluorescent and molecular weight dependence of THM and HAA formation from intracellular algogenic organic matter (IOM)Hua, Lap-Cuong; Chao, Shu-Ju; Huang, Chihpin; 環境工程研究所; Institute of Environmental Engineering
15-Dec-2018Probing algogenic organic matter (AOM) by size-exclusion chromatography to predict AOM-derived disinfection by-product formationHua, Lap-Cuong; Lin, Jr-Lin; Chao, Shu-Ju; Huang, Chihpin; 環境工程研究所; Institute of Environmental Engineering
1-Jul-2017Teratogenic responses of zebrafish embryos to decabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-209) in the presence of nano-SiO2 particlesChao, Shu-Ju; Huang, Chin Pao; Chen, Pei-Chung; Huang, Chihpin; 環境工程研究所; Institute of Environmental Engineering
1-Aug-2018Uptake of BDE-209 on zebrafish embryos as affected by SiO2 nanoparticlesChao, Shu-Ju; Huang, C. P.; Chen, Pei-Chung; Chang, Shih-Hsien; Huang, Chihpin; 環境工程研究所; Institute of Environmental Engineering
2017十溴聯苯醚與二氧化矽奈米顆粒共存對斑馬魚胚胎致畸胎性及生物累積性之研究趙淑如; 黃志彬; Chao, Shu-Ju; Huang, Chih-Pin; 環境工程系所
2010太陽能光電廢水急毒性及遺傳毒性分析研究趙淑如; Chao, Shu-Ju; 黃志彬; 袁如馨; Huang, Chih-Pin; Pan, Jill Ruhsing; 環境工程系所