Browsing by Author Hung, C. -T.

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Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Feb-2011Development of an improved spatial reconstruction technique for the HLL method and its applicationsSmith, Matthew R.; Lin, K. -M.; Hung, C. -T.; Chen, Y. -S.; Wu, J. -S.; 機械工程學系; Department of Mechanical Engineering
13-Oct-2008Effect of free electrons on nanoparticle charging in a negative direct current corona chargerAliat, A.; Tsai, C. -J.; Hung, C. -T.; Wu, J. -S.; 機械工程學系; 環境工程研究所; Department of Mechanical Engineering; Institute of Environmental Engineering
1-Feb-2011Investigation of the Atmospheric Helium Dielectric Barrier Discharge Driven by a Realistic Distorted-Sinusoidal Voltage Power SourceHung, C. -T.; Chiu, Y. -M.; Hwang, F. -N.; Chiang, M. -H.; Wu, J. -S.; Wang, Y. -C.; 機械工程學系; Department of Mechanical Engineering
1-Jun-2012Numerical Investigation of a Parallel-Plate Atmospheric-Pressure Nitrogen/Ammonia Dielectric Barrier DischargeLi, F. -L.; Lin, K. -M.; Yang, Y. -W.; Hung, C. -T.; Wu, J. -S.; Yu, J. -P.; 機械工程學系; Department of Mechanical Engineering
1-Dec-2012A parallel hybrid numerical algorithm for simulating gas flow and gas discharge of an atmospheric-pressure plasma jetLin, K. -M.; Hu, M. -H.; Hung, C. -T.; Wu, J. -S.; Hwang, F. -N.; Chen, Y. -S.; Cheng, G.; 交大名義發表; 機械工程學系; National Chiao Tung University; Department of Mechanical Engineering
1-Dec-2010Simulation of Excimer Ultraviolet (EUV) Emission from a Coaxial Xenon Excimer Ultraviolet Lamp Driven by Distorted Bipolar Square VoltagesJou, S. -Y.; Hung, C. -T.; Chiu, Y. -M.; Wu, J. -S.; Wei, B. -Y.; 機械工程學系; Department of Mechanical Engineering