Browsing by Author Lee, Oscar K.

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Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
28-Aug-2019Bone marrow concentrate-induced mesenchymal stem cell conditioned medium facilitates wound healing and prevents hypertrophic scar formation in a rabbit ear modelHu, Ching-Hsuan; Tseng, Yi-Wen; Chiou, Chih-Yung; Lan, Kuan-Chun; Chou, Chih-Hung; Tai, Chun-San; Huang, Hsien-Da; Hu, Chiung-Wen; Liao, Ko-Hsun; Chuang, Shiow-Shuh; Yang, Jui-Yung; Lee, Oscar K.; 交大名義發表; 生物科技學系; 分子醫學與生物工程研究所; National Chiao Tung University; Department of Biological Science and Technology; Institute of Molecular Medicine and Bioengineering
1-Feb-2020Control of matrix stiffness promotes endodermal lineage specification by regulating SMAD2/3 via lncRNA LINC00458Chen, Yu-Fan; Li, Yi-Shuan J.; Chou, Chih-Hung; Chiew, Men Yee; Huang, Hsien-Da; Ho, Jennifer Hui-Chun; Chien, Shu; Lee, Oscar K.; 交大名義發表; 生物科技學系; National Chiao Tung University; Department of Biological Science and Technology
11-Jul-2017DNA Methyltransferases Modulate Hepatogenic Lineage Plasticity of Mesenchymal Stromal CellsLee, Chien-Wei; Huang, Wei-Chih; Huang, Hsien-Da; Huang, Yi-Hsiang; Ho, Jennifer H.; Yang, Muh-Hwa; Yang, Vincent W.; Lee, Oscar K.; 生物科技學系; 生物資訊及系統生物研究所; 生物資訊研究中心; Department of Biological Science and Technology; Institude of Bioinformatics and Systems Biology; Center for Bioinformatics Research
1-May-2009Effect of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field on the Proliferation and Differentiation Potential of Human Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem CellsSun, Li-Yi; Hsieh, Dean-Kuo; Yu, Tzai-Chiu; Chiu, Hsien-Tai; Lu, Sheng-Fen; Luo, Geng-Hong; Kuo, Tom K.; Lee, Oscar K.; Chiou, Tzyy-Wen; 生物科技學系; Department of Biological Science and Technology
1-Apr-2014The effects of actin cytoskeleton perturbation on keratin intermediate filament formation in mesenChymal stem/stromal cellsChang, Tzu-Hao; Huang, Hsien-Da; Ong, Wei-Kee; Fu, Yun-Ju; Lee, Oscar K.; Chien, Shu; Ho, Jennifer H.; 生物科技學系; 生物資訊及系統生物研究所; Department of Biological Science and Technology; Institude of Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
3-Apr-2019Mechanical stretch induces hair regeneration through the alternative activation of macrophagesChu, Szu-Ying; Chu, Chih-Hung; Hsien-DaHuang; Yen, Meng-Hua; Hong, Hsiao-Chin; Chao, Po-Han; Wang, Yu-Hsuan; Chen, Po-Yu; Nian, Shi-Xin; Chen, Yu-Ru; Liou, Li-Ying; Liu, Yu-Chen; Chen, Hui-Mei; Lin, Feng-Mao; Chang, Yun-Ting; Chen, Chih-Chiang; Lee, Oscar K.; 交大名義發表; 生物資訊及系統生物研究所; National Chiao Tung University; Institude of Bioinformatics and Systems Biology