Browsing by Author Lin, Kuo-Feng

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Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
10-Sep-2007Acoustic and optical phonon assisted formation of biexcitonsPan, Ching-Ju; Lin, Kuo-Feng; Hsieh, Wen-Feng; 光電工程學系; Department of Photonics
1-Jan-2006Bandgap engineering and spatial confinement of optical phonon in ZnO quantum dotsHsieh, Wen-Fen; Lin, Kuo-Feng; Cheng, Hsin-Ming; Hsu, Hsu-Cheng; 光電工程學系; Department of Photonics
1-Jan-2009Calculations of electronic structure and density of states in the wurtzite structure of Zn(1) (-) (x)Mg(x)O alloys using sp(3) semi-empirical tight-binding modelLin, Kuo-Feng; Pan, Ching-Ju; Hsieh, Wen-Feng; 光電工程學系; Department of Photonics
15-May-2016Controlling electromagnetic wave through dual heights micro-lens array of a CMOS image sensorLin, Kuo-Feng; Hsiao, Yu-Kun; Hsieh, Chin-Chuan; Hsin, Shui-Chuan; Hsieh, Wen-Feng; 光電工程學系; Department of Photonics
7-Nov-2008Electronic structures and surface states of ZnO finite well structuresLin, Kuo-Feng; Hsieh, Wen-Feng; 光電工程學系; Department of Photonics
2009Electronic structures and surface states of ZnO finite well structuresLin, Kuo-Feng; Hsieh, Wen-Feng; 光電工程學系; Department of Photonics
1-Apr-2016Phase retrieval by using the transport-of-intensity equation with Hilbert transformLi, Wei-Shuo; Chen, Chun-Wei; Lin, Kuo-Feng; Chen, Hou-Ren; Tsai, Chih-Ya; Chen, Chyong-Hua; Hsieh, Wen-Feng; 光電工程學系; Department of Photonics
9-May-2007Raman study of alloy potential fluctuations in MgxZn1-xO nanopowdersPan, Ching-Ju; Lin, Kuo-Feng; Hsu, Wei-Tse; Hsieh, Wen-Feng; 光電工程學系; Department of Photonics
15-Dec-2007Reducing exciton-longitudinal optical phonon coupling with increasing Mg incorporation in MgZnO powdersPan, Ching-Ju; Lin, Kuo-Feng; Hsu, Wei-Tse; Hsieh, Wen-Feng; 光電工程學系; Department of Photonics
29-Oct-2007Reducing exciton-longitudinal-optical phonon interaction with shrinking ZnO quantum dotsHsu, Wei-Tse; Lin, Kuo-Feng; Hsieh, Wen-Feng; 光電工程學系; Department of Photonics