Browsing by Author Lin, Yu-Chin

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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2009Biochemical characterization and substrate specificity of the gene cluster for biosyntheses of K-252a and its analogs by in vitro heterologous expression system of Escherichia coliChiu, Hsien-Tai; Lin, Yu-Chin; Lee, Meng-Na; Chen, Yi-Lin; Wang, Mei-Sin; Lai, Chia-Chun; 生物科技學系; Department of Biological Science and Technology
28-Aug-2011Exploring combinatorial potential of K-252c biosynthesis by precursor-directed enzyme-coupling reactionsChiu, Hsien-Tai; Chen, Yi-Lin; Lin, Yu-Chin; Lee, Meng-Na; 生物科技學系; Department of Biological Science and Technology
2009Molecular cloning, sequence analysis and functional characterization of the gene cluster for biosynthesis of K-252a and its analogsChiu, Hsien-Tai; Chen, Yi-Lin; Chen, Chien-Yu; Jin, Chyn; Lee, Meng-Na; Lin, Yu-Chin; 生物科技學系; Department of Biological Science and Technology
16-Aug-2009Molecular insight into catalytic mechanism of spinosyn rhamnosyltransferase by in vitro combinatorial reactions with NDP-sugar-modifying enzymesChiu, Hsien-Tai; Chen, Yi-Lin; Lin, Yu-Chin; Chen, Yi-Hsine; 生物科技學系; Department of Biological Science and Technology
1-Jan-2012The role of the sub-thalamic nucleus in the preparation of volitional movement termination in Parkinson's diseaseHsu, Yi-Ting; Lai, Hsin-Yi; Chang, Yao-Chuan; Chiou, Shang-Ming; Lu, Ming-Kuei; Lin, Yu-Chin; Liu, Yen-Liang; Chen, Chiung-Chu; Huang, Hui-Chun; Chien, Ting-Fang; Lin, Shinn-Zong; Chen, You-Yin; Tsai, Chon-Haw; 電機工程學系; Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
2016Target-specific identification and characterization of the putative gene cluster for brasilinolide biosynthesis revealing the mechanistic insights and connic enzymesChiu, Hsien-Tai; Weng, Chien-Pao; Lin, Yu-Chin; Chen, Kuan-Hung; 生物科技學系; Department of Biological Science and Technology
1-Jan-2016Target-specific identification and characterization of the putative gene cluster for brasilinolide biosynthesis revealing the mechanistic insights and connic enzymesChiu, Hsien-Tai; Weng, Chien-Pao; Lin, Yu-Chin; Chen, Kuan-Hung; 生物科技學系; Department of Biological Science and Technology
1-Nov-2009Three-Dimensional Nanoscale Imaging of Polymer Bulk-Heterojunction by Scanning Electrical Potential Microscopy and C(60)(+) Cluster Ion SlicingYu, Bang-Ying; Lin, Wei-Chun; Huang, Jen-Hsien; Chu, Chih-Wei; Lin, Yu-Chin; Kuo, Che-Hung; Lee, Szu-Hsian; Wong, Ken-Tseng; Ho, Kuo-Chuan; Shyue, Jing-Jong; 光電工程學系; Department of Photonics
1-Nov-2009Three-Dimensional Nanoscale Imaging of Polymer Bulk-Heterojunction by Scanning Electrical Potential Microscopy and C-60(+) Cluster Ion SlicingYu, Bang-Ying; Lin, Wei-Chun; Huang, Jen-Hsien; Chu, Chih-Wei; Lin, Yu-Chin; Kuo, Che-Hung; Lee, Szu-Hsian; Wong, Ken-Tseng; Ho, Kuo-Chuan; Shyue, Jing-Jong; 光電工程學系; Department of Photonics