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顯示 1 到 7 筆資料,總共 7 筆
1-四月-2018Attention without awareness: Attentional modulation of perceptual grouping without awarenessLo, Shih-Yu; 傳播研究所; 通識教育中心; Institute of Communication Studies; Center of General Education
1-十一月-2019Bad words prevail: Negatively charged Chinese characters accelerate attentional selection and preoccupy cognitive resources for consolidationLo, Shih-Yu; Wang, Yuan-Sheng; 交大名義發表; 傳播研究所; 通識教育中心; National Chiao Tung University; Institute of Communication Studies; Center of General Education
1-八月-2015Can we select multiple colours simultaneously? Evidence for serial processing from left to rightLo, Shih-Yu; Goodbourn, Patrick; Holcombe, Alex; 交大名義發表; National Chiao Tung University
29-五月-2018Does "a picture is worth 1000 words" apply to iconic Chinese words? Relationship of Chinese words and picturesLo, Shih-Yu; Yeh, Su-Ling; 傳播研究所; 通識教育中心; Institute of Communication Studies; Center of General Education
14-七月-2020How Does Gender Stereotype Affect the Memory of Advertisements? A Behavioral and Electroencephalography StudyLo, Shih-Yu; King, Jung-Tai; Lin, Chin-Teng; 傳播研究所; 通識教育中心; Institute of Communication Studies; Center of General Education
1-一月-2017Selecting multiple features delays perception, but only when targets are horizontally arrangedLo, Shih-Yu; 傳播研究所; 通識教育中心; Institute of Communication Studies; Center of General Education
16-十月-2017Unconscious Perceptual Grouping Modulated by Top-Down AttentionLo, Shih-Yu; 交大名義發表; National Chiao Tung University