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顯示 1 到 18 筆資料,總共 18 筆
1-九月-2013Boundary Conditions for Limited Area Models Based on the Shallow Water EquationsBousquet, Arthur; Petcu, Madalina; Shiue, Ming-Cheng; Temam, Roger; Tribbia, Joseph; 應用數學系; Department of Applied Mathematics
1-八月-2018Convergence of the MAC Scheme for the Stokes/Darcy Coupling ProblemShiue, Ming-Cheng; Ong, Kian Chuan; Lai, Ming-Chih; 應用數學系; Department of Applied Mathematics
1-一月-2013An initial boundary value problem for one-dimensional shallow water magnetohydrodynamics in the solar tachoclineShiue, Ming-Cheng; 土木工程學系; 應用數學系; Department of Civil Engineering; Department of Applied Mathematics
1-七月-2013Interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin methods with implicit time-integration techniques for nonlinear parabolic equationsSong, Lunji; Gie, Gung-Min; Shiue, Ming-Cheng; 應用數學系; Department of Applied Mathematics
1-十二月-2020On mathematical analysis of synchronization to bidirectionally coupled Kuramoto oscillatorsChen, Shih-Hsin; Hsia, Chun-Hsiung; Shiue, Ming-Cheng; 應用數學系; Department of Applied Mathematics
2013On the Asymptotic Stability Analysis and the Existence of Time-Periodic Solutions of the Primitive EquationsHsia, Chun-Hsiung; Shiue, Ming-Cheng; 應用數學系; Department of Applied Mathematics
1-五月-2018On the long-time stability of a temporal discretization scheme for the three dimensional viscous primitive equationsHsia, Chun-Hsiung; Shiue, Ming-Cheng; 應用數學系; Department of Applied Mathematics
二月-2017On time periodic solutions, asymptotic stability and bifurcations of Navier-Stokes equationsHsia, Chun-Hsiung; Jung, Chang-Yeol; Thien Binh Nguyen; Shiue, Ming-Cheng; 應用數學系; Department of Applied Mathematics
1-六月-2019Self-gravitational Force Calculation of High-order Accuracy for Infinitesimally Thin Gaseous DisksWang, Hsiang-Hsu; Shiue, Ming-Cheng; Wu, Rui-Zhu; Yen, Chien-Chang; 應用數學系; Department of Applied Mathematics
1-二月-2019A simple projection method for the coupled Navier-Stokes and Darcy flowsLai, Ming-Chih; Shiue, Ming-Cheng; Ong, Kian Chuan; 應用數學系; Department of Applied Mathematics
1-九月-2019Some DG schemes for the Stokes-Darcy problem using P1/P1 elementZhou, Guanyu; Kashiwabara, Takahito; Oikawa, Issei; Chung, Eric; Shiue, Ming-Cheng; 應用數學系; Department of Applied Mathematics
2-九月-2015Time-periodic solutions of the primitive equations of large-scale moist atmosphere: existence and stabilityHsia, Chun-Hsiung; Shiue, Ming-Cheng; 數學建模與科學計算所(含中心); Graduate Program of Mathematical Modeling and Scientific Computing, Department of Applied Mathematics
2012使用不同斜率的限制在半離散中央上風法對雙曲保守律的數值研究與比較張佑民; Chang, Yu-Ming; 薛名成; Shiue, Ming-Cheng; 應用數學系所
2013拋物方程式之初始值與邊界值不相容的數值解法盧韻尹; Lu, Yun-Yin; 薛名成; Shiue, Ming-Cheng; 應用數學系數學建模與科學計算碩士班
2014時空守恆元解元方法應用於保守律的數值研究陳彥超; Chen, Yen-Chao; 薛名成; Shiue, Ming-Cheng; 應用數學系數學建模與科學計算碩士班
2017結構性改變下的多元配對交易王冠倫; 薛名成; 戴天時; Wang, Kuan-Lun; Shiue, Ming-Cheng; Dai, Tian-Shyr; 應用數學系所
2016論具有黏滯性的Burgers方程式數值研究陳泰宏; 薛名成; Chen, Tai-Hong; Shiue, Ming-Cheng; 應用數學系數學建模與科學計算碩士班
2013隨機微分方程之數值研究張宇鎮; Chang, Yu-Chen; 薛名成; Shiue, Ming-Cheng; 應用數學系數學建模與科學計算碩士班