Browsing by Author Tseng, SS

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 76  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Nov-2004Adaptive learning environment to meet pedagogical needsSu, JM; Tseng, SS; Chen, CT; Tsai, WN; 資訊工程學系; Department of Computer Science
1-Aug-1998Automatically integrating multiple rule sets in a distributed-knowledge environmentWang, CH; Hong, TP; Tseng, SS; Liao, CM; 資訊工程學系; Department of Computer Science
1-Apr-2002Building a CAL expert system based upon two-phase knowledge acquisitionTsai, CJ; Tseng, SS; 資訊工程學系; Department of Computer Science
1999Building an object-oriented and individualized learning environment on the WWWSu, GH; Tseng, SS; Tsai, CJ; Zheng, JR; 資訊工程學系; Department of Computer Science
1-Oct-2004Constructing detection knowledge for DDoS intrusion toleranceLin, SC; Tseng, SS; 資訊工程學系; Department of Computer Science
1-Jan-2006Constructing SCORM compliant course based on high-level Petri netsSu, JM; Tseng, SS; Chen, CY; Weng, JF; Tsai, WN; 資訊工程學系; Department of Computer Science
1-Sep-2005A content management scheme in a SCORM compliant learning object repositorySu, JM; Tseng, SS; Wang, CY; Lei, YC; Sung, YC; Tsai, WN; 資訊工程學系; Department of Computer Science
1-Jul-2000A coverage-based genetic knowledge-integration strategyWang, CH; Hong, TP; Chang, MB; Tseng, SS; 資訊工程學系; Department of Computer Science
2004A data mining project for solving low-yield situations of semiconductor manufacturingChen, WC; Tseng, SS; Hsiao, KR; Liu, CC; 資訊工程學系; Department of Computer Science
1-Jun-2000Data types generalization and transformation for data mining algorithmsJiang, MF; Tseng, SS; Liao, SY; 資訊工程學系; Department of Computer Science
2000Design and implementation of a personalized service management systemTsai, CJ; Tseng, SS; Chen, SH; 資訊工程學系; Department of Computer Science
1-Oct-2003Design and implementation of new object-oriented rule base management systemLin, YT; Tseng, SS; Tsai, CF; 資訊工程學系; Department of Computer Science
2001Detecting intrusion patterns using bit-wise indexing methodChen, WC; Tseng, SS; Ou, CH; 資訊工程學系; Department of Computer Science
1996Developing a sugar-cane breeding assistant system by a hybrid adaptive learning techniqueJiang, MF; Wang, CH; Tseng, SS; 交大名義發表; 資訊工程學系; National Chiao Tung University; Department of Computer Science
1-Nov-2002A distributed intrusion detection model for the domain name systemChen, CS; Tseng, SS; Liu, CL; 資訊工程學系; Department of Computer Science
31-May-2006Dynamic multicast routing under delay constraints in WDM networks with heterogeneous light splitting capabilitiesChen, MT; Tseng, SS; Lin, BMT; 資訊工程學系; 資訊管理與財務金融系 註:原資管所+財金所; Department of Computer Science; Department of Information Management and Finance
1-Jun-2004An enhanced simulated annealing algorithm for solving the cell assignment problem of the twolevel wireless ATM networkDin, DR; Tseng, SS; 資訊工程學系; Department of Computer Science
1997FILSMR: A fuzzy inductive learning strategy for modular rulesWang, CH; Liu, JF; Hong, TP; Tseng, SS; 交大名義發表; 資訊工程學系; National Chiao Tung University; Department of Computer Science
22-Jun-2006Flexible online association rule mining based on multidimensional pattern relationsWang, CY; Tseng, SS; Hong, TP; 資訊工程學系; Department of Computer Science
2000A framework of features selection for the case-based reasoningChen, WC; Tseng, SS; Chen, JH; Jiang, MF; 資訊工程學系; Department of Computer Science