Browsing by Author Wu, Chong-Rong

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Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Sep-2016Enhancement of field-effect mobility in molybdenum-disulfide transistor through the treatment of low-power oxygen plasmaChen, Kuan-Chao; Wu, Chong-Rong; Chang, Xiang-Rui; Chang, Shu-Wei; Lee, Si-Chen; Lin, Shih-Yen; 光電工程學系; Department of Photonics
24-Jul-2019Large-Area and Strain-Reduced Two-Dimensional Molybdenum Disulfide Monolayer Emitters on a Three-Dimensional SubstrateChang, Chiao-Yun; Lin, Hsiang-Ting; Lai, Ming-Sheng; Yu, Cheng-Li; Wu, Chong-Rong; Chou, He-Chun; Lin, Shih-Yen; Chen, Chi; Shih, Min-Hsiung; 光電工程學系; 光電工程研究所; Department of Photonics; Institute of EO Enginerring
2-Jan-2017Luminescence Enhancement and Enlarged Dirac Point Shift of MoS2/Graphene Hetero-Structure Photodetectors With Postgrowth Annealing TreatmentWu, Chong-Rong; Liao, Kun-Cheng; Wu, Chao-Hsin; Lin, Shih-Yen; 影像與生醫光電研究所; Institute of Imaging and Biomedical Photonics
4-Nov-2015Multilayer MoS2 prepared by one-time and repeated chemical vapor depositions: anomalous Raman shifts and transistors with high ON/OFF ratioWu, Chong-Rong; Chang, Xiang-Rui; Chang, Shu-Wei; Chang, Chung-En; Wu, Chao-Hsin; Lin, Shih-Yen; 光電工程學系; Department of Photonics
2-May-2018Single-Crystal Antimonene Films Prepared by Molecular Beam Epitaxy: Selective Growth and Contact Resistance Reduction of the 2D Material HeterostructureChen, Hsuan-An; Sun, Hsu; Wu, Chong-Rong; Wang, Yu-Xuan; Lee, Po-Hsiang; Pao, Chun-Wei; Lin, Shih-Yen; 照明與能源光電研究所; Institute of Lighting and Energy Photonics
1-Jan-2020Strain-reduced and Photoluminescence Enhanced of MoS2 Emitters on Three-Dimensional SubstrateLee, Andrew Boyi; Chang, Chiao-Yun; Lin, Hsiang-Ting; Lai, Ming-Sheng; Yu, Cheng-Li; Wu, Chong-Rong; Chou, He-Chun; Lin, Shih-Yen; Chen, Chi; Shih, Min-Hsiung; 光電工程學系; 光電工程研究所; Department of Photonics; Institute of EO Enginerring