標題: 常數彈性變異數過程下考量破產程序的資本結構模型與實證分析
Modeling Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Proceedings under the CEV Process
作者: 李漢星
Lee Han-Hsing
關鍵字: 資本結構;第十一章破產保護法;二元樹評價模型;常數彈性變異數過程;Capital Structure;Chapter 11;Binomial Lattice Method;Constant Elasticity of Variance (CEV) Process
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 在資本結構模型中,最具代表性的Leland (1994) 以及Leland and Toft (1996)模型
的槓桿與利差,例如,Hilberink and Rogers (2002) 以及Chen and Kou (2009) 加入了資
此困難,Broadie and Kaya (2007)首先將選擇權訂價文獻中廣泛使用的二元樹方法引進
因此,本研究將延續Broadie and Kaya (2007)的研究,發展一個常數彈性變異數過
While the well-known Leland (1994) and Leland and Toft (1996) models provide some
insights of the capital structure issues, their predicted optimal leverage and yield spreads
seem not to be consistent with historical average. Consequently, the more recent studies
introduce additional realistic features in order to meliorate the model-predicted leverage and
yield spreads. For example, Hilberink and Rogers (2002) and Chen and Kou (2009) add
jumps into the asset value process. However, stochastic volatility feature, another important
and commonly adopted assumption in option pricing, is still rare in structural modeling
In addition, in order to obtain analytical solutions of corporate securities, researchers
need to impose some unrealistic assumptions to avoid time and path dependence. Most
capital structure models assume infinite maturity bond or continuously rollover bonds
although these bonds are rarely used in practice, especially when firms are in financial
distress. By contrast, for finite maturity bonds, it is difficult to obtain analytical solutions in
models of bankruptcy proceedings that include grace periods since it introduces path
dependency. To overcome the difficulties, Broadie and Kaya (2007) are the first to introduce
binomial lattice approach, widely adopted in option pricing literature, into structural credit
risk modeling.
Therefore, in this study, we will extend the work by Broadie and Kaya (2007) to
develop a capital structure model incorporating the feature of Chapter 11 bankruptcy
proceedings under the CEV (Constant Elasticity of Variance) process. The CEV model is
complex enough to allow for changing volatility and simple enough to apply binomial
method in a two-dimensional lattice. Although the CEV model is not as general and flexible
as the stochastic volatility models, when applied to structural models, especially in the case
of Chapter 11 modeling with path-dependency, high-dimensional lattice models are very
expensive to implement.
This paper will first review and theoretically examine existing capital structure models
of various bankruptcy proceedings. Next, we will develop a capital structure model with the
feature of Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings under the CEV process. We will explicitly
analyze the convergence of the numerical method, and the effects of firm value process for
corporate debt values as well as the implication in bankruptcy decisions. Finally, to gain
empirical support, we will compare the performance of default prediction power of six
models nested within the CEV Parisian option framework.
官方說明文件#: NSC99-2410-H009-025
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/100032


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