標題: 垂直軸式層狀型風力發電系統之研製---子計畫四:垂直式層狀堆疊型風力機之複材結構及機械元件的測試平台、允收標準及壽命試驗的建立(I)
Testing Procedures and Acceptance Criteria for Composite Structures and Mechanical Components of a Vertical-Axis Wind Power System (I)
作者: 金大仁
關鍵字: 夾治具;複合材料;垂直式風機;葉片;元件;clamped apparatus;composite materials;Vertical-axis wind turbines;testing;components
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 發展風力發電,不僅是能源開發的需要,也是環境保護的趨勢。風力發電將大自然的風速動能轉換成電能,不需要石化燃料的能量轉換,成本低廉,亦不會產生二氧化碳與其他廢氣等公害, 為一潔淨能源。風力發電可分為垂直軸式與水平軸式两種, 其中垂直式因噪音小、啟動力人低等優點,可應用於各社區及都會區作電力來源。與水平軸風機相比,垂直軸風機在製造、安裝、維護和抗疲勞性能方面都有較大優勢。本計畫將建立測試垂直軸式風機中關鍵元件及結構的方法、平台和允收標準, 確保通過測試的元件和結構都滿足國際規範的要求。本計畫分两年進行, 第一年計畫研究下列課題: (1) 設計開發垂直式層狀堆叠型風力機之複材葉片及機械零件的各項實驗之夾治具。 (2) 進行複材葉片及機械元件的靜態實驗(單、多點強度試驗、應變值量測、抗老化實驗、軸心強度試驗)、動態實驗(衝擊實驗、振動實驗、疲勞實驗、軸心與軸承的扭力、挫曲實驗),並進行非破壞損傷檢測,同時了解結構及機械零件的破壞行為及模式,並探討補強方式來增加結構強度以符合IEC國際標準。 (3) 建立垂直式層狀堆叠型風力機的各結構與機械元件之測試平台、規範及允收標準,並藉由實驗量測來制定各結構件可承受最大風速的允收標準。 (4) 建立複材在不同溫度及濕度下的機械性質數據資料庫, 包括溫度效應因子FThermo及濕度效應因子FMositure , 以助評估元件的老化行為。 (5) 建立複材元件具有不同孔徑下的凹痕效應因子(FNotch)及濕熱效應的基材樹脂性質的衰減之經驗式, 以助元件強度的評估。 第二年計畫: (1) 建立實體垂直式層狀堆叠型風力發電系統的試驗平台及可靠度試驗程序。 (2) 開發垂直式層狀堆疊型風力機整機測試平台之夾治具與機構。 (3) 建立垂直式層狀堆叠型風力實機運轉時的多點應變量檢測、轉動時的振動頻 率檢 測、轉動慣量檢測、噪音的檢測、疲勞及可靠度試驗等六項的實驗程序及測試平台。 (4) 建立垂直式層狀堆叠型風力發電機及複材結構件之壽命評估平台、允收標準及規範。 (5) 實機組裝及開發實體試驗所需的設備,進行實機疲勞試驗及建立尺寸效應因子,FSize。 (6) 建立在不同升溫及濕度下的實機運轉時各機械元件之應力-壽命數據。 (7) 依統計學與複材力學相關理論建立風力機運轉時之應力-壽命經驗式,用以評估葉輪的疲勞壽命。
Being one of the important renewable sources, wind energy is cheap, clean and easy to be attained. Wind turbines can be classified into two main categories, namely, horizontal- and vertical-axis wind turbines [HAWT and VAWT]. Though presently most of the big wind turbines are HAWTs, for wind turbines of mid to small sizes, VAWT has the potential to become the better choice because VAWT may have advantages such as wind direction independent, easy absorption of wind energy, low startup wind speed, low noise level etc. In this two-year project, the testing procedures and acceptance criteria are established to approve the reliability and quality of the components and structures of a new VAWT. In the first year, the following items are study: 1. Fabrication of the apparatus for testing the components and the structures of the VAWT. 2. Static testing of components and structures to determine their strengths. 3. Establishment of the acceptance criteria of the components and structures. 4. Study of temperature and humility effects on the properties of composite materials and establishment of material property degradation data base for life assessment of the components. 5. Study of notch induced stress concentration and strength degradation of components and establishment of strength data base of notched components for reliability assessment of the components. In the second year, the following items are study: 1. Fabrication of apparatus for reliability testing of the VAWT and establishment of reliability testing procedure. 2. Establishment of acceptance criterion for reliability testing of the VAWT. 3. Vibration and noise measurements and stability assessment of the VAWT under operation. 4. Fabrication of apparatus for fatigue and environmental testing of the VAWT. 5. Fatigue life testing and life assessment of the VAWT. 6. Study of temperature and humility effects on the strength of composite components and establishment of strength degradation data base for life assessment of the components. 7. Statistical analysis of fatigue and strength degradation data for establishing an empirical equation for life assessment of the composite wind energy absorber.
官方說明文件#: NSC99-2623-E009-002-ET
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/100077