標題: 半導體量子元件及奈米結構之高效能與節能應用( I )
Energy-Efficient and Energy-Conservation Application of Semiconcudtor Quantum Devices and Nanostructures(I)
作者: 李建平
關鍵字: 電漿子冷光致冷器;發光元件;量子點太陽能電池;節能;高效能;plasmonic Electroluminescent coolers;light emitting devices;quantum dot solar cell;energy-saving;energy efficient
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 自本世紀之初,天然資源的快速消耗及油價高漲已經對我們日常生活造成威脅。如果想
The fast depletion of natural energy sources and the rising cost of fossil fuels have already
been threatening our daily life since the turn of this century. If we are going to keep the same
level of living standard in the future and for the future generations, energy saving and a more
efficient energy usage are a must for all of us living today.
The concepts of renewable energy and energy efficiency go hand in hand. These two
concepts are considered to be the “twin pillars” of the policies regarding sustainable energy.
To make the most of the sustainable energy policy there needs to be simultaneous application
of strategies regarding renewable energy and efficient use of energy.
The proposed program presented here targets at the development of a wide variety of
nanoscale devices with potential applications in energy saving and high efficiency. The aim of
this program is to propose, fabricate and characterize novel energy-efficient devices based on
semiconductor nanostructures and quantum devices for achieving desired figures of merit.
These include semiconductor plasmonic luminescent coolers, light emitting devices of
enhanced luminescence efficiency with magnetic field, and embedded QDs for conversion
efficiency enhancement in solar cells. However, most of the designs are still in the stage of
theoretical investigation and there is a big challenge to integrate them in real applications.
This is a collaborative program among theoreticians and experimentalists, physicists and
technologists. The combined and diverse talents of this team will enable us to tackle the
problem from different angles. This project is made up of four separate but strongly related
parts: (1) semiconductor cooling chips (2) energy-efficient optoelectronic nanodevices (3)
quantum dot embedded solar cells for better energy efficiency (4) model, characterization, and
theoretical analysis of nanostructures for green electronics. We propose a comprehensive
research plan which builds at the intersection of several important nano, material and optical
technologies of this century. We plan to investigate areas in which these technologies overlap
to provide new functionality. Some key technical goals and operational features of our plan
• Development of semiconductor luminescent coolers incorporated with plasmonics for
higher cooling power and lower temperature operations
• Demonstrate effects of applied magnetic field on photocurrent generation in light
emitting devices and solar cells
• Development and adjustment of novel nanolithography and controlled self-assembled
growth techniques of Si, InAs, InSb, and GaSb quantum dots embedded in photovoltaic
cells of various kinds of host materials
• Demonstration of photo-response and energy conversion in nanoscale photovoltaic cells
• To develop a computational multiscale approach for the optimization of the highly
efficient semiconductor nanodevices.
• To identify and model nanoscale size effects and characteristics, which are crucial for the
field control, optical properties, and thermal management of semiconductor nano-devices
• A team of researchers who have substantial research experience in their respective fields
and have a demonstrated commitment to collaborative research
• Strong support and commitment from the Center of Nano Science and Technology at the
National Chiao Tung University to support the research needs of this program
The eventual success of this program is dependent upon our thorough understanding on
material itself and at the same time a viable technology that combines the nanotechnology
with state-of-the-art characterization techniques. The proposed program is designed to tackle
the most critical issues of energy conservation and energy efficiency built from semiconductor
官方說明文件#: NSC99-2120-M009-009
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/100263


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