DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorLIN SHIUAN-HUEIen_US
dc.description.abstract本計劃的目標在探索『摻雜式高分子聚合物的體積全像光學特性』,以此 開發新穎的體積全像記錄光學材料,並探索其在光學資訊領域應用的研究。 研究中將以我們實驗室過去研發之PQ/PMMA 高分子體積全像材料的經 驗及技術為藍本,發展三種新穎的記錄材料:1. PQ 摻雜共基底高分子材料、 2. Irgacure784 光敏感劑摻雜PMMA 高分子材料、3. 摻雜式Epoxy 系列高分子 記錄材料。我們也研究其全像記錄的物理機制,前兩者可以改進現有材料的記 錄特性,第三種材料則為延續成果的新嘗試,三者均可形成塊材,提供新穎的 光學資訊儲存及處理應用。 配合整體計劃之進行,第一階段,致力發展三種材料的研製,並以 PQ/PMMA 材料的體積全像記錄機制為模型,探討新穎材料的記錄機制,且同 時建立各式量測系統進行相關光學實驗分析,為建立材料參數提供規範制定與 取捨;第二階段,著重於材料體積全像記錄特性量測,提供材料改進的依據, 並配合相關記錄機制,探索及設計其在光學資訊處理的相關應用;第三階段為 整合應用階段,結合全像記錄量測與基礎模型分析結果,致力於光學資訊儲存 及處理研究,初步的構想將進行平面式光學系統積體化、體積全像多通道相干 器以及快速圖形識別等新穎應用之開發。 總之,本計劃將對摻雜式高分子體積全像記錄材料的設計、分析及量測做 整體深入的研究,這是體積全像光學材料一個非常基礎的而且也是創新的研 究,藉此探索我們自己的適合的光學資訊處理的體積全像材料。再者,透過詳 細的分析也可進一步探索新的高分子材料之非線性光學特性。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWe propose to launch three-year comprehensive studies on the doped photopolymer materials for volume holographic recording, with their applications for optical information processing and storage. Based on current research results of developing the PQ/PMMA photopolymer, we will develop three novel photopolymer materials, including PQ doped co-polymer materials, Irgacure 784 PMMA photopolymer, and doped epoxy family polymer materials. The former two kinds of materials are expected to have better the recording dynamic range and sensitivity than PQ/PMMA photopolymer, as well as the third kind of materials is a new exploration for development novel materials. This research is divided into three phases. In the first year, we will focus on the fabrication of three materials and development of the physical mechanism of the holographic recording in our photopolymer materials. The results will provide the guidelines for designing and optimizing materials. During the same period, basic tools for measuring the optical and holographic properties of material will be constructed. In the second year, we will focus on experimentally characterizing the properties of volume holographic recording in our materials. The results can provide us to further optimize materials. In addition, according to holographic recording properties of the materials, we will explore their applications on optical information storage and processing. In the third year, based on the theoretical and experimental works, we shall continue the study on the volume holographic recording in these novel materials and explore the applications for optical information storage and processing. We plan to investigate three topics, including the planar integration of optical system using volume holograms, volume holographic multi-channel correlator, and fast parallel pattern recognition. In summary, this research will perform an intensive study on the material design, analysis, and applications on the doped photopolymer materials. These novel materials are expected to be a new invention, and the study will also possibly lead to exploring new physical mechanisms of holographic recording in photopolymer material.en_US
dc.subjectVolume holographic opticsen_US
dc.subjectDoped photopolymer materialsen_US
dc.subjectVolumeholographic recording materialsen_US
dc.titleInvestigations on Volume Holographic Recording Materials and Their Applicationsen_US