標題: 疊層式廠房之結構耐震補強工法
The Seismic Retrofit of Fab Structures with Multiple Fabs
作者: 王彥博
關鍵字: 疊層式廠房;軟弱層;耐震評估;性能設計;multiple high-tech fab;soft-and-weak storey;seismic capacity assessment;performanc-based design
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 科技廠房結構耐震設計考量不周,乃震害問題之主要來源,尤以疊層式廠房為甚。疊層 式廠房內含兩層(甚至三層)無塵室,其下層無塵室須背負其上方樓層的重量及地震力,軟弱 層導致側向位移過大,二次應力效應則使問題更為惡化,並放大上層無塵室的振動反應,不 僅嚴重威脅廠房結構的安全,亦增加設備受損的風險。現行建築物耐震設計規範基於「大震 不倒」的終極設計理念,意在避免結構遭遇毀滅性罕見地震時發生倒塌的風險,因而發展出 韌性設計法。惟科技廠房在幾次中小型地震衝擊下損失不貲,充分暴露其耐震能力不足之隱 憂,顯示韌性設計觀念無法確保科技廠房在中小型地震下免於設備受損、生產中斷的功能要 求。科技廠房有其特殊性,廠房結構耐震補強問題非習用之技術與工法所能克服。基於對科 技廠房結構複雜性與困難度之了解,本計畫擬提出創新構想,針對補強方案的有效性、施工 性與經濟性進行評估驗證,期有助於科技業者提升其廠房耐震能力,減緩震害損失,並提出 專利申請,確保研發成果之合理權利歸屬。
The seismic hazards of high-tech manufacturing fabs are primarily due to insufficient considerations in the earthquake-resistant design, in particular for those containing multiple fabs. Multi-fab structures pile up two or even three clean-room fabs in one site. The lower fab has to carry the weight and seismic force transmitted from above, and excessive lateral deformation of the soft-story causes P-Δ effect which deteriorates the problem even worse. This not only endangers the structural safety but also increases the risk of damaging the facilities by amplifying the earthquake floor vibration of the upper fabs. The current seismic design specifications of the building code are based on the ultimate design concept to avoid collapse of the structure under severe earthquakes. This is meant to prevent the structures from collapse in case a rarely-happened destructive earthquake does occur. The ductility design concept therefore is developed to meet this design goal. However, the high-tech fabs frequently suffer from significant losses in moderate earthquakes, indicating that the idea of ductility design does not meet the performance demand of fab structures to avoid damage of facilities or interruption of production under moderate earthquakes. The high-tech fabs are special in many aspects, and the conventional seismic retrofit techniques and construction methods are not adequate in solving the problems. This project is to propose some innovative seismic retrofit strategies with better understandings on the complexity and difficulty of high-tech fab structures. The feasibility and cost-effectiveness of the proposed strategies will be examined, hopefully to help the industries in enhancing the earthquake-resisting capability and mitigating the seismic hazards. Patent application of the proposed ideas will be filed to reasonably secure the Intellectual Property Rights of the research outcomes.
官方說明文件#: NSC99-2622-E009-015-CC2
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/100510