標題: 教師職業倦怠之相關因素及預防策略之研究(I)
The Study of Correlativ Factors and Preventive Strategies of Teacher Burnout
作者: 方紫薇
關鍵字: 職業倦怠;因應;社會支持;burnout;coping;social support
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 教師是一個高壓力的工作。近年來已開始注意到教師之工作壓力及心理健康, 有些研究已顯示教師有高壓力且有職業倦怠。若為了促進教育之品質,我們必須更 深入去了解及預防教師之職業倦怠。因此本研究提出三年計畫,主要目的在1.探究 教師在面對不同壓力時,其因應策略、社會支持、職業倦怠之內涵、歷程及長短期 之影響。2.比較男女兩性之教師其因應策略、社會支持、職業倦怠等因素上之差異。 3.比較資深及資淺之教師其因應策略、社會支持、職業倦怠等因素上之差異。4.探 討因應策略在完美主義與教師職業倦怠之中介作用。5.比較跨校之教師支持團體與 校內之支持團體之立即性及長期性效果。期望藉由本研究所獲得之結果,可作為後 續研究及理論模式建立之用,且能在壓力漸增的時代及早預防,並進一步提出有效 防治教師職業倦怠之方法。
Teaching is regarded as a highly stressful occupation. In recent years, increasing attention has been given to understanding teachers’stress and mental health. Several studies have shown high levels of stress and burnout experienced by teachers. If we want to improve the quality of education, we must understand more about teachers’ stress and also know how to effectively prevent them from burnout.We are going to carry out a three-year project for this study and it will cover the following main purposes: 1. Investigate the content, process, short term and long term impact of burnout, coping and social support when teachers confront to the different stress. 2. Compare the difference of burnout, coping, social support between male and female teachers. 3. Compare the difference of burnout, coping, social support between junior and senior teachers. 4. Examine the effectiveness that coping mediates the relationship between perfectionism and teacher burnout. 5. Compare the difference of cross-school and in-school social support group program’s immediate and follow-up effects. We hope the result of this research can be a good reference for future studies and good basis for building up the theoretical model. Hopefully, it also can be used as an effective method of preventive strategies of teacher burnout.
官方說明文件#: NSC99-2410-H009-054
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/100519
Appears in Collections:Research Plans