標題: 最適資本結構與策略投資
Optimal Capital Structure and Strategic Investment
作者: 黃星華
Huang Hsing-Hua
關鍵字: 信用風險;策略投資;隨機微分賽局;Closed-loop Feedback Nash Equilibrium;Credit Risk;Strategic Investment;Stochastic Differential Game;Closed-loop Feedback Nash Equilibrium
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 最適資本結構與策略投資
Optimal Capital Structure and Strategic Investment
The present two-year project attempts to construct and examine a new structural model in an
oligopoly industry equilibrium through a stochastic differential game framework. In the first
year, the main focus of the project is to construct and modify the theoretical model. The
closed-loop feedback Nash equilibria, which capture firms’ interactions more appropriately,
would be first employed to derive the optimal operating investments of firms. A structural
model based on the equilibrium dynamics of firms’ operating profits is then utilized to
analyze the strategic investment and optimal capital structure taking account of competition.
By conducting the comparative statics analysis, we expect the model could generate some
model implications and new insights in this line of research. As for the second year, we would
concentrate on empirical examinations of the model. Since the firm-level data with respect to
industrial structures need to be merged, matched and grouped, we expect that processing and
preparing data is time-consuming. Next, we would adopt an adequate econometric
methodology to empirically examine the implications of the model. The empirical results will
be then compared to those of recent literature. Not only the theoretical model but also the
empirical results are expected to supplement the existing relevant studies.
官方說明文件#: NSC99-2410-H009-019
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/100523
Appears in Collections:Research Plans

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