Title: 利用奈米技術改善人工受孕治療---單一精子分離與高篩選率流道
Using Nano Techniques to Improve Assisted Productive Technology (APT) by Single/High Throughput Sperm-Sorting
Authors: 徐琅
Keywords: 不孕症;人工受孕;精子;電腦精子分析系統;分離精子;微流道;精子泳動性;精子數量;精子型態;Sperm;CASA;Computer Assisted Sperm Analyzer;Motility;Motile;Microfluid;PDMS;Polydimethylsiloxane;IUI;Intrauterine insemination
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 人工受孕是不孕症患者的一大福音,如何篩選出最好的精子以供卵子受孕是重點之
標為利用全像光學鑷夾(holographic optical tweezers, HOT)系統研發準確的單一精子分離
技術,改善ICSI 的精子篩選過程;利用三維的微流道篩選出所有具有泳動力之精子,
提高精子篩選率,使IUI 成功機率上升。最後,依據醫院的需求做改善,以求應用之實
第一年: 旨在研發準確的單一精子分離技術。此技術的重要性在於我們可以在
HOT 系統並以目標精子為中心,清空其四週,並用微吸管吸出,達成準確
程,希望可以改善目前TESE 與ICSI 所遇到的問題。
第二年: 目的在解決IUI 中精子數量不夠導致成功率不高的問題,利用三維的
第三年: 承續前兩年,為了使我們開發的技術更貼合醫院的應用,第三年計畫
改良部分首先考慮醫院的需求,HOT 的單一精子分離中,預計縮小
1064nm 與980nm 光傷害的差異,找出最好的波長;此外我們將藉由改變
泳動速度、活化比例、頂體反應比例、IVF 比例、精子表面的AFM 分析
Assisted productive technology(APT) is a good news for the patients with vibriosis. There
is always a important issue for APT that how to sort a good sperm for an ovum and the sperm
sorting is still a problem for nowadays technology. For intrauterine insemination(IUI), the less
sperms after sorting, the less probably IUI would work. For intracytoplasmic sperm
injection(ICSI), it’s hard to get the best sperm by sorting. The purposes in this plan are to
improve the APT nowadays. We use the holographic optical tweezers(HOT) system to help
sort a single sperm accurately and fast. It’s a necessary technology for ICSI. We design a 3D
micro-channel to promote the sorting rate by select all the sperms with motive force. It can
raise the success probability of IUI. All our efforts target on the final application in hospital .
The goals of every year are described below:
1st year :
We will try to develop the single sperm sorting technology which can suck the specific
sperm by a micro-pipet in a crowd of tissue fragments accurately and fast. We use HOT
system to clean the surroundings so that a micro-pipet can suck the specific sperm without the
interference of tissue fragments. The sperm sucking by a micro-pipet is the same as the
applied way in the hospital. We hope that the technology can help improve the ICSI
2nd year :
We will try to design a 3D micro-channel to promote the sorting rate by select all the
sperms with motive force. It can solve the problem of low success probability of IUI which is
caused by the low sorting rate of sperms.
3rd year :
To push our development forward to real application, we will try to improvement the
design of the results in 1st and 2nd year. We will try everything as long as the hospital want to
suit our design to application. In our thinking now, we want to try to setup a portable HOT
We will exam the photo damage made by HOT system, too. We want to use a laser
source with the wavelength of 980nm to compare with the wavelength of 1064nm. We also
want to change the value of the refraction index of surroundings(medium) so that the sperm
will be pulled away from the focus point of laser. The photo damage will be less because
there are less rays pass through the sperm.
For 3D micro-channel, we will analyze the sperms after sorting and exam the quality of
them. We hope the result will be fine so that our 3D micro-channel’s function is proved.
Gov't Doc #: NSC99-2221-E009-007
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/100623
Appears in Collections:Research Plans