Title: 量子點太陽能電池之開發及應用
Buried Quantum Dot Solar Cells for Terrestrial Application
Authors: 孫建文
Keywords: 奈米粒子;自組裝;抗反射;nanoparticle;self-assemble;anti-reflection
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 由光電壓所產生的太陽電能已成為大眾所矚目的一個全球能源產品中具有環境保
護功能的一重要部分. 但是必須投入更多的革新及努力來使其具有比較高的變換效率
我們已經計算過準費密能階會落在QD 電子能態及載子重新結合的強度與QDs周圍
的位能障礙有強烈的關聯. 如果位能障礙被正確地設計及製作,他們在QDs 能壓抑載子
的重新結合。假如能正確設計Ge QD 埋在Si(或GaSb QD 埋在GaAs)太陽能電池裡,與傳
在Si 裡的Ge QDs 及在GaAs 裡埋入GaSb QDs的太陽能電池。我們將有系統的評估埋藏
QD 太陽能光電元件 樣品的特性,包括stoichiometry,表面形態學,光學性能(能隙,
吸收,photoluminescence)和電特性,確QDs 內載子重新結合時間的範圍。最後,我們
Photovoltaic solar electricity attracts attention as an important and environmental
friendly component of global energy product [1,2]. However essential innovative efforts are
needed to combine relatively low-cost production technologies with relatively high
conversion efficiencies to bring solar electricity costs down to the level of conventional
electricity. This project proposes to conduct basic material and device studies of novel
quantum dot (QD) solar cells for terrestrial applications.
The high concentrator photovoltaic (HCPV) technology is a one of modern innovative
technologies that targets to substitute expensive semiconductor cells with low-cost optics to
impact the cost of solar electricity [3]. The ability of concentrators to increase the intensity of
illumination is another innovative advantage of HCPV technology that makes possible to put
into use energy of otherwise wasted infrared photons to generate additional photocarriers by
two-photon excitation of electrons from valence band via intermediate states into conduction
band to increase conversion efficiency of solar cells [4-9]. The main problem is that, like the
impurity centers, intermediate states usually arrest quasi-Fermi level and increase intensity of
recombination. It is the challenging task to overcome this problem by combining those two
innovative advantages of HCPV technology in one solar cell. This study targets to develop the
necessary scientific and technological understanding to make possible the production of QD
solar cells that can operate with high conversion efficiency and reliability.
Ground electronic states of QDs are often discussed as intermediate states for solar cell
application [4-9]. Compare to impurity centers, QDs offer potentially higher flexibility to
design and more alternatives to solar cells. We have already shown that arresting of
quasi-Fermi level at QD electronic states and intensity of recombination are strongly
dependant on barriers around QDs [10]. If barriers are properly designed, they can suppress
recombination of carriers at QDs. It is expected that the two-photon excitation can increase
for example by 25% the conversion efficiency of properly designed Ge QD buried in Si solar
cells compare to the same quality conventional Si solar cells [10]. Another innovation is that
very intensive direct one-photon absorption occurs in Ge QDs when the photon energy is at
the edge of indirect bang gap of Si [10]. Though QD buried solar cells promise higher
efficiency compare to conventional solar cells [10], the possibilities for even higher
performances are significant. Well known that 30-50 nm thick monolayer of undoped ZnO (or
CdS) grains deposited between n- and p-doped materials in depletion layer increases
conversion efficiency of thin film photovoltaic (TFPV) solar cells, e.g. up to 20% the
efficiency of CuInSe/ZnO TFPV solar cells [11,12,13]. Collect necessary knowledge to
understand the effect of undoped ZnO grains on efficiency of solar cells to combine the
undoped ZnO grains and the buried QDs in one device is one more way to achieve even
higher conversion efficiency in Si and GaAs solar cells. The key to this research is realization
and experimental proof that properly designed barriers around QDs buried outside the
depletion layer of p-n-junction in semiconductor can involve new phenomena in
photogeneration and essentially improve photoelectrical characteristics of solar cells.
We are going to apply all the knowledge acquired on growth of Ge QDs buried in Si, on
growth of GaSb QDs buried in GaAs, and on growth of ZnO layers in Nano Device
Laboratory of NCTU and to focused significant resources on developing capabilities for the
fabrication of barriers around Ge QD buried in Si solar cells and GaSb QD buried in GaAs
solar cells, and 30-50 nm thick monolayer of undoped ZnO grains between n- and p-doped
layers in depletion layer of those solar cells, on characterization on these samples and on
samples obtained from other sources, on analyzing the results and device performance, and on
developing appropriate model for buried QD solar cells. We have a goal to evaluate the
properties of the buried QD samples, including stoichiometry, surface morphology, optical
properties (modification of energy gaps, absorption, photoluminescence, up-conversion) and
electrical properties, to establish absorption spectra for buried QDs and carrier recombination
time at buried QDs. Finally, we are going to lay the foundation for making market-value
novel QD solar cells for industrial production.
Conversion of solar energy is the most important, virtually free of pollution technology
for alternative energy resources. Some key technical goals and operational features of our
plan are:
Gov't Doc #: NSC99-2119-M009-004-MY3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/100658
Appears in Collections:Research Plans