Title: | 連結網路上之多重資料傳輸及連通性研究 Mutually Independent Property and Connectivity of Interconnection Networks |
Authors: | 譚建民 TAN JIANN-MEAN JIMMY 國立交通大學資訊工程學系(所) |
Keywords: | 超立方體;泛連通性;相互獨立;Hypercube;panconnected;mutually independent |
Issue Date: | 2010 |
Abstract: | 在這次的計劃中,我們要研討一個最近新提出的性質,稱為強Menger 連通性。假設一
網路G有一壞點集合F,令G-F為移去F之後的網路。若G - F中每對點u與點v被min{degf
(u), degf (v)}點相異路徑所連接,其中degf (u)和degf (v)分別為G - F中點u與點v的分支度,
則我們稱圖G 為強Menger 連通。我們已針對hypercube-like networks 及matching
composition networks研究了它們的強Menger連通性,及強Menger連通性的容錯程度。我
Lun-Min Shih, Chieh-Feng Chiang, Lih-Hsing Hsu, and Jimmy J.M. Tan, "Strong Menger
Connectivity with Conditional Faults on the Class of Hypercube-like Networks,"
Information Processing Letters, Vol. 106, pp. 64-69, 2008.【SCI】
Lun-Min Shih, Chieh-Feng Chiang, Tsung-Han Tsai, Lih-Hsing Hsu, Jimmy J.M. Tan,
"Maximal Local-Connectivity on the Matching Composition Networks with Faulty
Elements," submitted to Information Sciences.
質,稱之為相互獨立泛連通性。兩個等長的路徑P1=< u1,u2,…,um> 和P2=<v1,v2,…,vm> 從
點a出發到點b是獨立的,如果u1=v1=a,um=vm=b,且ui vi對於2 i m-1。一個等長路
長度為正整數,dG(u,v) l |V(G)-1|且(l-dG(u,v))是偶數。我們說點u和點v是(m,l)-相互獨
l, P2
l,…, Pm
Cheng-Kuan Lin, Jimmy J.M. Tan, Hua-Min Huang, D. F. Hsu, and Lih-Hsing Hsu,
"Mutually independent hamiltonian cycles for the pancake graphs and the star graphs,"
Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 309 pp. 5474-5483, 2009. 【SCI】
Yuan-Kang Shih, Jimmy J.M. Tan, and Lih-Hsing Hsu, "Mutually Independent
Bipanconnected Property of Hypercube,” submitted to Applied Mathematics and
名連結網路的強Menger連通性質與相互獨立泛連通性質作深入的研究。 In this project, we will study the newly proposed concept called strong Menger connectivity. Suppose that a network G has a set F of faulty vertices and let G−F be the resulting network with those vertices in F removed. We say that a k-regular graph G is strongly Menger connected if each pair u and v of G−F are connected by min{degf (u), degf (v)} vertex-disjoint fault-free paths in G−F, where degf (u) and degf (v) are the degree of u and v in G − F, respectively. About this issue, we already had some results published and submitted to the international journals. We have some new ideas about this issue and expect to study more thorough. Lun-Min Shih, Chieh-Feng Chiang, Lih-Hsing Hsu, and Jimmy J.M. Tan, "Strong Menger Connectivity with Conditional Faults on the Class of Hypercube-like Networks," Information Processing Letters, Vol. 106, pp. 64-69, 2008.【SCI】 Lun-Min Shih, Chieh-Feng Chiang, Tsung-Han Tsai, Lih-Hsing Hsu, Jimmy J.M. Tan, "Maximal Local-Connectivity on the Matching Composition Networks with Faulty Elements," submitted to Information Sciences. The other issue of this project, we will study another strong property called mutually independent bipanconnected property. Two paths with equal length P1=< u1,u2,…,um> and P2=<v1,v2,…,vm> from a to b are independent if u1=v1=a, um=vm=b, and ui vi for 2 i m-1. Paths with equal length {P1,P2,…,Pn} from a to b are mutually independent if they are pairwisely independent. Let u and v be two distinct vertices of a bipartite graph G, and let l be a positive integer length, dG(u,v) l |V(G)-1| with (l-dG(u,v)) being even. We say that the pair of vertices u, v is (m,l)-mutually independent bipanconnected if there exist m mutually independent paths {P1 l, P2 l,…, Pm l}with length l from u to v. About this issue, we already had some results published and submitted to the international journals. We have some new ideas about this issue and expect to study more thorough. Cheng-Kuan Lin, Jimmy J.M. Tan, Hua-Min Huang, D. F. Hsu, and Lih-Hsing Hsu, "Mutually independent hamiltonian cycles for the pancake graphs and the star graphs," Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 309 pp. 5474-5483, 2009. 【SCI】 Yuan-Kang Shih, Jimmy J.M. Tan, and Lih-Hsing Hsu, "Mutually Independent Bipanconnected Property of Hypercube,” submitted to Applied Mathematics and Computation. These two concepts are both interesting and useful in the study of interconnection networks. In this project, we will study the strong Menger property and mutually independent bipanconnected property of many existing practical interconnection networks. |
Gov't Doc #: | NSC99-2221-E009-084-MY3 |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/100661 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=2107670&docId=336395 |
Appears in Collections: | Research Plans |