DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorSUN KIEN WENen_US
dc.description.abstract奈米結構與技術是廣泛且跨領域的研究,已在過去的幾年間全球各地都有爆炸性的 成長。以往實現產品與材料所需的功能的製造方式,如今已有了革命性的變化,將來更 具有發展潛力。目前這個技術對於商業界已經造成重大的衝擊,在未來這個趨勢勢必會 有增無減。 我們想要建立一個跨領域的奈米生物計劃,這項工作的目標乃為瞭解與除去製造生 物自組合奈米結構與分子電子元件的障礙,使其擁有空前的功能性質。當然這必須先取 決於量子機制現象的瞭解、找出生物自組合奈米結構與特性之間的關係以及如何製做這 些元件的方法等等。一個完整的整合計劃需要結合現今科技在奈米尺寸合成的發展、描 繪技術以及擁有最好的固態物理和元件理論的生化技術等。在奈米結構的基礎現象研究 和模組上所強調的重點是可以根本地控制這些奈米結構系統的元件特性。 我們謹慎的提議以設計一個實驗使用現在科技發展中的奈米製程技術以及顯微及 光光學量測的研究技術,將可獲得合適的測試結構。這些實驗的研究將可以緊密的結合 理論的成果來塑造奈米尺寸現象的模型。我們也將探索這些奈米結構在其他可能的應用 方向,以及應用於生化技術和生物學中的奈米元件。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractNanostructure and technology is a broad and interdisciplinary area of research and development activity that has been growing explosively worldwide in the past few years. It has the potential for revolutionizing the ways in which materials and products are created and the range and nature of functionalities that can be accessed. It is already having a significant commercial impact, which will assuredly increase in the future. Molecular self-assembly - the spontaneous formation of molecules into covalently bonded, well-defined, stable structures-is a very important concept in biological systems and has increasingly become a focus of non-biological research. We want to establish a comprehensive experimental research program to fabricate and microscopically characterize molecular self-assembled nanostructures as well as immobilized single molecule that will help stimulate development of bio-related nanomaterials, biosensors and molecular electronics. The object is to eliminate obstacles to affix molecules on semiconductor surfaces or arrange them in an organized network, to understand the structure of the molecular self-assembly and to engineer molecular devices with properties that posse』s unprecedented functionality. Well characterized test nanostructures will be prepared using current state-of-the-art nanofabrication techniques. Both nanoimaging and optical spectroscopy studies (Raman and photoluminescence) on single molecule and these molecular self-assembly systems will be performed. We will also explore the possible application of nanostructured materials, and nanodevices on biotechnology and biological analogies. Some key technical goals and operational features of our plan are: ‧ Preparation of nanostructured semiconductor templates ‧ Setting up a confocal microscopy system with 3D Raman and PL imaging capability ‧ Optical characterization of single bio-probe nanostructure such as nanodiamond or QD ‧ Growth of molecular self-assembly ‧ Developing highly sensitive Raman and photoluminescence imaging ‧ Subcellular imaging and single molecule spectroscopy ‧ Spatially and temporally resolved ultrafast laser spectroscopy ‧ Nanotechnology and development of next generation nanoscale imaging probes and instrumentationen_US
dc.titleOptical Properties and Applications of Molecular Self-Assembly and Single Molecule Studies on Surface Modified Semiconductor Substratesen_US


  1. 962112M009024MY3(第1年).PDF
  2. 962112M009024MY3(第2年).PDF
  3. 962112M009024MY3(第3年).PDF

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