Title: 電漿技術合成電子元件於軟性基板之附著性研究
The Study of The Adhesion between Flexible Substrates and Devices through Plasma
Authors: 蔡娟娟
Chuang-Chuang, Tsai
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: 近年來,台灣軟性電子產業鏈提前策劃台灣軟性電子產業發展的新佈局,積極開發下世代軟性電子產品,然而如何於軟性基板如不銹鋼與PET等製造高附著性及高光電特性之透明導電膜以提供可撓性顯示器、太陽能電池、軟性感測器的透明電極(TCO)使用,已是目前太陽光電產業迫切需要解決的問題。
本計畫將擬與核能研究所(INER)共同合作研究,運用INER電漿鍍膜技術於玻璃及不鏽鋼薄片等基板上所開發之透明導電膜如掺錫氧化銦(ITO)、氧化鋅(ZnO)、或掺鋁氧化鋅(AZO)等,進行透明導電膜與基材間之附著性探討,並進一步利用本實驗室之PECVD設備於INER所提供之透明導電膜基板合成太陽光吸收膜如非晶矽(a-Si:H)或微晶矽(-Si:H)或pin-single junction太陽能電池,以探討不同textured結構之透明導電膜對太陽光吸收膜之導電性、光反射率等光電特性(或 pin-single junction太陽能電池光電轉換效率)之影響,最後再與目前品質等級最高之Asahi-U玻璃基板合成太陽光吸收膜或太陽能電池特性相互比較,以評估INER之玻璃及不鏽鋼基板之透明導電膜工業應用潛力,並獲得最佳光電特性透明導電膜之textured結構。
In recent years, the development of soft electronics including displays, solar cells, flexible detectors has attracted much attention. Soft electronics often require growing Transparent Conducting Oxide (TCO) films on flexible substrates. To grow good devices on such TCO-covered stainless steel substrates with good adhesion and high optical and electrical quality is one of the key issues for the flexible thin-film solar cell applications.
We will collaborate with the Institute of Nuclear Energy Research (INER) and use plasma technique to deposit different transparent conductive oxides on flexible stainless steel foils. Then, we will employ our PECVD equipment to grow amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) and microcrystalline silicon (-Si:H) films on such TCO-covered flexible substrates. By varying the TCO materials, process conditions, and texturing on flexible substrates, we plan to study their effect on the silicon thin films in terms of their optical, adhesion and electrical properties for the solar cell application. Further we will also compare and contrast with the results using TCO glass or the Asahi-U substrates in order to optimize the textured-TCO deposition. The potential of the textured-TCO films prepared at the INER on glass and stainless steel substrates for the solar energy industrial application will be evaluated.
Gov't Doc #: 982001INER026
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/100834
Appears in Collections:Research Plans