Title: | 異質無線網路之可擴充性多媒體群播服務(Scalable Multimedia Multicasting Services over Heterogeneous Wireless Networks)-運用在異質無線網路多方視訊廣播服務之可調視訊編解碼最佳化與網路介面設計 Optimization and Network Interface Design of Scalable Video Coding for Multicasting Services over Heterogeneous Wireless Networks |
Authors: | 彭文孝 PENG WEN-HSIAO 國立交通大學資訊工程學系(所) |
Keywords: | 可調視訊編碼;多方視訊廣播服務;異質無線網路;可調視訊編碼快速演算法;Scalable Video Coding,Video Multicasting,HeterogeneousWireless Networks,Fast Algorithm of Scalable Video Coding |
Issue Date: | 2009 |
Abstract: | 本計劃之目標為針對整合計畫「異質無線網路之可擴充性多媒體群播應用(Scalable
Multimedia Multicasting Service Over Heterogeneous Wireless Networks)」,進行可調視訊
援多樣的使用者需求與不斷變化的網路環境,ISO/IEC MPEG 與ITU-T 組織了一個JVT
了一個可完全相容於MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 之基本層,以及一個可以被即時捨棄與切割來
轉接器(Media Relay)與接收端(Receivers)帶來不同的困難與挑戰。對伺服器而言,可調
使在最快的機器上作編碼,其速度距離即時條件仍有1000 倍之差。另外,連接伺服器
甚至必須提供從可調視訊編碼轉換至MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 編碼之能力。因此,在媒體轉
證。以下是各年度之計畫目標:第一年 -- (1)發展快速演算法,改進目前可調視訊編解
碼之速度,(2)根據可調視訊之傳輸需求,發展網路介面;第二年 -- (3)根據可調視訊編
碼標準與MPEG-4 AVC/H.264標準兩者之語法定義,發展轉碼技術,以及(4)最佳化位元
流擷取技術;第三年 -- (5)提供可調視訊解碼錯誤容忍與(6)錯誤隱藏機制。 This subproject aims at optimizing the scalable extension of MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 and developing associated network interface for the scalable multicasting service over heterogeneous wireless networks. With the rapid advances of video coding and transport technologies, the scalable multimedia multicasting ─ the ability to deliver multimedia data streams from a single encoding source to a wide range of receivers through different communication channels ─is now a feasible and practical solution to pervasive real-time multimedia communication and entertainment. It can be foreseen that the users in the near future can not only watch the live videos on various multimedia platforms, but also access the services by different types of connections. In order to support clients with diverse capabilities and varying network conditions, ISO/IEC MPEG and ITU-T form a Joint Video Team (JVT) to develop a scalable video coding (SVC) technology that uses single bitstream to provide multiple spatial, temporal, and quality (SNR) resolutions. It provides a H.264/AVC-compatible base layer and a fully scalable enhancement layer, which can be truncated and extracted on-the-fly to obtain a preferred spatial-temporal and quality resolution. While the SVC offers many attractive features, it comes with different challenges at servers, media relays, and receivers. At servers, the highly computational complexity of SVC encoder puts up a barrier in the real-time applications. The preliminary analysis has shown that the up-to-date reference software is 1000x slower than real-time when executed on the state-of-the-art machines with combined scalability enabled. Besides, as the bridges connecting servers and receivers, the media relays need to constantly adapt the SVC bitstream for matching device capabilities and network conditions. To allow the packets be parsed in a real-time manner, servers must embed the priority information to facilitate the bitstream extraction. Although the current algorithm provides simple priority identification in the SVC network abstraction layer (NAL), it cannot simultaneously fulfill the requirements of different devices, and thus, leaving plenty of research spaces for further improvement. In addition, the media relay may sometimes perform the transcoding from SVC to MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 for low-complexity portable devices. Thus, how one can minimize the complexity while maintaining the quality of transcoding is another issue at media relays. On the other hand, at receivers, the problem is how to smartly utilize the received bitstream according to the video characteristic and display capability so as to optimize the decoded quality and provide graceful degradation in the presence of packet loss. In terms of the problems raised, in this project, we will accordingly investigate and develop related technologies, and validate the proposed schemes with the up-to-date reference software and in the demonstration system. The yearly goals of this project include: Year 1 -- (1) design fast algorithms for SVC encoder and (2) develop network interfaces for the transport of SVC. Year 2 -- (3) develop SVC to MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 transcoder based on syntax direct mapping and (4) provide rate-distortion optimized bitstream extraction scheme. Year 3 – (5) offer SVC decoder with graceful degradation and (6) propose error concealment scheme for SVC. |
Gov't Doc #: | NSC96-2628-E009-015-MY3 |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/100875 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=1734060&docId=296897 |
Appears in Collections: | Research Plans |