Title: 物體形態差異對圖形設計與認知影響之研究(I)
The Effect of Form Differences of Objects on Graphic Design and Recognition
Authors: 許峻誠
Hsu Chun-Cheng
Keywords: 圖形簡化設計;形態複雜度;物體類別;簡化原則;物體辨識理論;graphic simplification design;visual complexity;category of objects;law of simplicity;object recognition theory
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: 設計師在描繪或設計不同形態物體時,所採取的策略是否有差異?本研究目的在探討不同形態物體以及各種圖形簡化設計手法對於觀者辨識的影響。 過去研究者曾針對物體類別和圖形簡化設計之間的關係做探討,研究發現不同類別所適用的簡化模式不同,其中自然物不適合部件減少的簡化模式(許峻誠,2007),不過此研究只針對兩個類別物體以及兩種簡化模式之間的關係作探討。本研究計劃第一年將加入「物體形態複雜度」因素,探討物體先天形態的差異對於圖形簡化後的辨識度所造成的影響;第二年重點將放在探討圖形簡化的各種手法,並以實驗法比較各手法的優缺點。 第一年研究將利用三因子混合實驗設計分析「形態複雜度」、「物體類別」與「圖形簡化程度」三個自變項間對於應變項「正確率」與「反應時間」的影響。第二年研究將利用兩因子混合實驗設計探討「簡化手法」與「形態複雜度」兩個自變項間對於應變項「正確率」、「反應時間」與「偏好」的影響。最後,研究者會討論六種圖形簡化手法的特點,並比較各手法所產生圖形之認知效果。 圖形簡化設計手法的應用很廣泛,包括商標、公共標誌、造形設計以及電腦圖形介面等。設計師常憑感性繪製圖形,本研究結果希望彌補設計師直覺之不足、讓設計初學者有規則可循,或者透過這些結果提供圖形設計或評估時的參考。
Some graphics can be easily distinguished and desired, while some cannot be desired or comprehended by the general public. What are the causes behind such outcomes? The purpose of this research is centered on understanding the relationship between visual complexity and the six methods of graphic simplification. The scope of the graphic simplification design method application is boundaryless, including the trademark, public signs, and various computer‐related interface and illustration designs. Relevant investigations in great deal have been found in the gestalt theory, design discipline, ergonomics, and object recognition theory. The first year of this research will use factors experiment design to investigate the effect of the three independent variables-visual complexity, object category, and level of simplification-on recognition accuracy and reaction time. The second year of the research will investigate the effect of the two independent variables-visual complexity and simplification methods-on recognition accuracy, reaction time and preference. Designers frequently process the graphics based on sensuality and intuition. This proposal intends to compensate the insufficiency in the designer’s intuition or to enable the design beginners with the rules to follow.
Gov't Doc #: NSC98-2410-H009-057
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/100974
Appears in Collections:Research Plans