標題: 核一、二、三廠緊急計畫區民眾疏散模擬系統更新計畫
作者: 韓復華
關鍵字: 核電廠緊急計畫;網路疏散;系統模擬
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 民眾集結與路網疏散規劃是核能電廠緊急應變計畫中相當重要的一環。本計畫係以TEVACS (Transportation EVACuation System)路網疏散決策支援系統為主要工具,用以分析在不同情境與疏散作業方式下所需之疏散時間,並提供核安單位的決策輔助參考。本期計畫所完成的是TEVACS 2010版本。 本計畫所完成之工作項目及具體成果簡述如下:(1) 經由資料蒐集與實地調查,完成TEVACS地理資訊資料庫之建置,並更新核一、二、三廠周圍地區之人口、道路、車輛等資料;(2) 針對目前設置的民眾集結點與收容站地點進行勘查與評估,並訪談消防局與村里長,提出新設集結點與收容站之建議地點;(3) 在模擬模式方面,本計畫更將疏散模擬路網由核能電廠緊急應變計畫區(EPZ)之5公里半徑範圍擴大至10公里,並加入收容站處理程序,使得整個疏散模擬的功能更加完整;(4) 在疏散時間模擬與分析方面,本計畫針對三個核能電廠各進行1224種情境之模擬,並對基本狀況之疏散瓶頸路段進行改善,平常日與例假日之改善幅度約28%至38%,特殊例假日則可達48%。
TEVACS (Transportation EVACuation System) is a computerized decision support system developed by our research team for transportation evacuation applications in Taiwan, R.O.C. since 1987. The TEVACS comprises four modules: (1) system control module, (2) data management module, (3) network simulation module, and (4) graphic display module. The system can assist the planner to visualize the evacuation process, and design better evacuation plans. The previous version of TEVACS was done in 1999. Since that time, the population growth and the development of the EPZ (Evacuation Planning Zone) of the three power plants have many changes, and need to be updated, particularly for those gathering points where people to get on public transportation for evacuation. Accordingly, in this project, we have reviewed and updated all the input data and attributes including the gathering points and shelters of the TEVACS. We have also upgraded the TEVACS to a fully GIS-based system. Results of this study should provide useful guidelines for future evacuation planning of the three nuclear power plants in Taiwan.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/101098