標題: | 情境式科學問題解決之數位學習---認知、情緒與問題解決能力-情境式科學問題解決之數位學習---認知、情緒與問題解決能力 Contextualized Scientific Problem Solving Digital Learning ---Cognition, Emotion, and Problem Solving Ability |
作者: | 佘曉清 SHE HSIAO-CHING 國立交通大學教育研究所 |
公開日期: | 2009 |
摘要: | 本單一整合型計畫「情境式科學問題解決之數位學習:認知、情緒與問題解決能力」結合了科學、科學教育、認知、情緒、傳播科技各領域的學者,企圖從不同面向切入進行學生在科學問題解決歷程中,其科學知識、問題解決能力、推理能力、創造力、心流、情緒、沈浸程度、認知負荷、運作記憶容量等的變化影響之研究。 達此目的,整個研究將包含七個主軸,主軸一:情境化科學問題解決學習環境的建置;主軸二:學生科學問題解決與其知識建構、推理能力的關係;主軸三:心流經驗、情緒及科學知識對學生一般性及創意科學問題解決歷程之影響;主軸四:幽默正向情緒融入教材對學習成效的影響暨其認知腦神經歷程分析;主軸五:完美主義、沈溺想法對情境化問題解決之學習表現及不同情緒之預測;主軸六:情境化問題解決環境中,主觀、客觀、與社會臨場感因素對學習者不同沉浸經驗中遠距臨場感的影響與交互關係;主軸七:網路搜尋問題解決相關的資訊與學生的認知、知識獲得間的關係。期望可以找到未來如何可以促進學生問題解決的能力,讓學生發展創造力,甚至於讓學生願意沉浸於其中而忘我 ,同時可讓學生產生正向的情緒進而願意進行問題解決的學習,同時可以因降低學生的焦慮、增加學習的趣味(幽默)、降低運作記憶容量的負擔的全面性的發現。 本研究除了各主軸的研究外,並進行整合跨主軸的研究。同時藉由EEG、眼動儀、EKG、膚電(Skin Conductance)、肌電(Facial EMG)、呼吸等生理訊號的測量分析協助研究領域的拓展。相信這樣跨領域的整合研究,將有助於我們對此問題有全面的理解,同時期望結合各領域的研究成果,可以提供未來在科學課室或網路學習時,如何可以促進學生問題解決的能力,或是讓學生發展創造力,甚至於讓學生願意沉浸於其中而忘我 ,同時可讓學生產生正向的情緒進而願意進行問題解決的學習,同時可以因降低學生的焦慮、增加學習的趣味(幽默)、降低運作記憶容量的負擔的全面性的發現與建議。 本研究的貢獻將可突破目前研究的限制,經這樣跨領域的理論與研究之結合,將會提升整個研究計畫的品質,同時促使本研究對於科學問題解決更多突破性與開創的研究發現。 The purpose of this project is to develop a Contextualized Scientific Problem Solving Digital Learning Environment and Content in order to explore students』 scientific problem solving ability from science, science education, cognition, emotion, educational technology point of view. It is hoping students』 scientific problem solving can be promoted throughout the studies. In order to maximize students』 scientific problem solving, there are eight scholars from science, science education, educational psychology, counseling, cognition, educational technology working together from six different perspectives. There are seven domains all together to explore the scientific problem solving: Domain 1 is to establish a contextualized scientific problem solving digital leanring environment and content. Domain 2 is to explore the nature of students』 scientific problem solving and its relationships with scientific reasoning, and scientific knowledge. Domain 3 is to explore the relationships among creativity, emotion, flow and scientific problem solving. Domain 4 is to explore the impact of positive emotion on scientific problem solving. Domain 5 is explore the relatioships among perfectionism, runination, emotion and problem solving. Domain 6 is to examine the relationship among the degree of immersion, types of presence, emotion, and problem solving. Domain 7 is to investigate the relatioships among web-seraching, cognitive control, emotion, and problem solving. This research would make significant contribution to the science learning as well as cognition, and emotion fields. It is believed it should bring more breakthrough results on students』 scientific problem solving through integrating those researches from different fields. Particularly, it would provide us deeper understanding of the nature of scientific problem solving through eye movement, EEG, EKG, and other biofeedback researches. Moreover, it also would produce many encouraging results on the scientific problem solving. |
官方說明文件#: | NSC96-2511-S009-004-MY3 |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/101231 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=1757190&docId=299838 |
顯示於類別: | 研究計畫 |