Title: 以安全、節能及遊憩為目的之車載網路系統---子計畫三:車載網路之位置感知服務---設計一個結合汽車及自行車行動導覽遊憩之系統(I)
Location-Based Services in Vehicular Networks---Mobile Guiding and Recreation for Car and Bike Tours(I)
Authors: 曾煜棋
Keywords: 車載網路;位置感知服務;定位;行動導覽遊憩;自行車旅遊;Vehicular Networks;Location-Based Service;Localization;Mobile Guiding and Recreation;Bike Tours
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: 本子計畫希望透過車載網路系統、並結合汽車與自行車導覽遊憩,以提供使用者位置感知服務。為了配合總計畫「以安全、節能及遊憩為目的之車載網路系統」以及應用其他子計畫所開發的技術,本子計畫將預期設計一套結合汽車與自行車行動之導覽遊憩系統;本子計畫有兩大研究方向:第一個研究方向是開發針對車載網路系統上之位置感知服務,目標是希望於車載裝置上,除了提供準確定位的服務外,甚而可獲得其他位置相關資訊;我們初期以建立樣本比對之定位系統作為無線通訊網路定位的基礎,之後將結合該樣本比對技術與現有成熟的全球定位系統(GPS),以開發一套「混合型的全球定位系統」,該系統能夠隨時提供行動使用者正確且穩定的位置資訊,由於定位技術需要樣本位置訊號的訓練,如何有效結合車載網路、並利用汽車提供此訓練將是一大挑戰;之後,我們將基於Web 2.0的精神開發一套地理指紋社群系統,這是一套倚賴分享精神所建構的軟體定位平台,基於這個平台,我們預期將開發多個位置感知服務,例如:Geo-Ads(即時商家廣告)、Geo-Parking(附近停車資訊)、Geo-Search(搜查商家)等生活應用;最後,我們將透過車載網路系統存取這些應用,並結合到汽車與自行車導覽遊憩中。第二個研究方向是針對汽車與自行車導覽遊憩相關之案例研究,目標希望能實現以遊憩、甚而是節能的汽車及自行車的導覽遊憩系統,首先為了配合推廣自行車旅遊,我們會先針對營運面還有交通面進行調查,進而開發一套完善的自行車租借營運系統,再來是結合車載網路之位置感知服務於自行車觀光導覽上,以其使自然生態得到保護、遊憩需求得到滿足。
The objective of this sub-project is to provide location-based services (LBS) by combining vehicular networks with guiding and recreation for car and bike tours. In order to follow the ultimate goal of the main project, “An Advanced Telematics System for Safety, Energy Conservation, and Recreation” and cooperate with other sub-projects, we would like to design a mobile guiding and recreation system for car and bike tours. There are two important research topics as follows.
The first topic is to develop LBS in vehicular networks to provide not only precise location information but also many value-added location-related services. We will design pattern-matching localization as the basis technique of wireless localization. Then, we will combine the wireless localization and the Global Positioning System (GPS) to a hybrid-GPS system, which can provide mobile users correct and stable location information at any-time, anywhere. It is a big challenge to use cars to collect sampling data for localization training phase and communicate through vehicular networks. After that, we will construct a Geo-Fingerprint community platform based on Web 2.0 technology, and we hope to develop some LBS, such as Geo-Ads, Geo-Parking, Geo-Search, and etc., over this platform. Finally, mobile users can access these LBS for guiding and recreation through vehicular networks.
The second topic is to investigate some cases of guiding and recreation for car and bike tours. The goal is to develop a guiding system, which is designed for the purpose of recreation and even energy-conservation, for car and bike tours. First of all, to cooperate with the goal of popularizing the bike tours, we will conduct a survey on the business operation and traffic sides and then establish a complete bike-renting system. Then, we will integrate LBS in vehicular networks into bike tours, which can protect our environment from being polluted, and accomplish our recreation requirement at the same time.
We will focus on the topics described above to design core localization technologies and implement vehicular communication platform. In the first year, we will design a series of localization core technologies and study cases of bike recreation and renting system. In the second year, a series of LBS are developed based on the Geo-Fingerprint community platform, and mobile users can access some LBS over vehicular networks. Then, we will integrate CHC technology to construct a bike-renting system. In the last year, we will implement our system model in Green World in Hsin-chu country, and we will provide cars, bikes, and people location-based and guiding services over vehicular networks.
Gov't Doc #: NSC98-2219-E009-006
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/101258
Appears in Collections:Research Plans