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dc.contributor.authorChao Hsi-Luen_US
dc.description.abstract近年來資通訊技術的成熟,將其與智慧型交通系統(Intelligent Transportation System, ITS)整合, 可提供駕駛人與乘客更安全的行車與更舒適的搭乘,這是一個重要的未來發展趨勢。本整合型計畫之 總體目標著重於結合資通訊技術以及交通運輸與觀光遊憩,考量人、路、車的管理策略,建立一個智 慧型的車載資通訊網路平台,以達到增進運輸系統的安全、節能與效率、行車舒適性,以及在各種交 通工具上提供導覽遊憩等多媒體應用的多重目標。 本子計畫旨在設計一個滿足服務品質之行動圖資及多媒體影音整合服務系統,以提供乘客在行車 期間,藉由智慧型運輸系統、車載隨意網路(VANET)、以及網路基礎建設,使用視聽娛樂服務。而如 何提供多媒體應用所需的服務品質、改善與提高多媒體資料傳送率,以及充分使用異質無線網路是此 子計畫的主要研究課題。 本子計畫第一年的研究主題是設計適用於智慧型車載同質網路之可信賴同儕式多媒體串流服 務。研究方法將分為連結層與應用層兩方面進行探討研究。在連結層的部份,我們將應用近年來非常 熱門的網路編碼(network coding)技術,針對不同形式的多媒體資料,考量其服務品質,提供具成功 傳送率保證之傳輸服務。在應用層的部份,我們將運用現有相關技術加以改善,將一般的P2P 架構, 納入V2V 與V2R 等不同性質節點的考量,建立適用於VANET 之P2P 連線,並執行P2P 檔案搜尋與 分享等功能。第二年的研究主題為於智慧型車載同質網路上,提供具服務品質之多媒體應用服務,而 其研究方法仍就連結層與應用層,分別探討。在連結層,我們針對為車載網路所研擬的IEEE 802.11p 標準,設計一架構在IEEE 802.11p 網路上具保證服務品質之排程演算法;在應用層,我們將提出適合 車載網路P2P 多媒體串流服務之同儕網路應用級群播(application level multicast)架構。第三年的研究主 題是於智慧型車載異質網路上,提供可靠及具服務品質之多媒體應用服務。考量行車人可同時使用多 個異質網路介面來傳輸資料,設計的排程機制將計算使用不同的網路介面,在最大延遲時間內成功傳 送封包的機率,並選擇成功機率最大的網路介面傳送封包。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractDue to the evolution and popularity of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), integration of ICT and Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) is an important development trend. The objective of this integrated project is to design and construct an intelligent vehicular information and communication platform. This platform is able to enhance driving safety, energy conservation, and recreation. Besides, passengers can easily enjoy multimedia applications, including group tour guides in vehicles. This subproject aims at designing an intelligent integrated service system for digital maps and multimedia video/audio applications. Through this service system, vehicular ad hoc network (VANET), and network infrastructure, passengers are able to enjoy entertainment multimedia services. How to satisfy applications'Quality of Service, improve data delivery rate, and fully utilize heterogeneous wireless infrastructures are our research focuses. The 1st year research topic focuses on design of reliable peer-to-peer multimedia streaming services in homogeneous vehicular ad hoc networks. Our approach is on cross-layer basis (including data link layer and application layer). In the data link layer, we utilize network coding concept to improve packet successful delivery rate. On the other hand, we establish P2P connections in VANETs by taking the characteristics of vehicular-to-vehicular and vehicular-to-roadside unit into consideration, and then explore P2P file search and sharing. The 2nd year research topic focuses on providing QoS-satisfied multimedia application services in homogeneous vehicular ad hoc networks. Our approach is still two-folds: data link layer and application layer. In the data link layer, we design a QoS-guaranteed scheduling algorithm in IEEE 802.11p networks; for the application layer, we will propose a P2P application level multicast architecture for multimedia streaming services in VANETs. The research topic of the 3rd year is to design scheduling algorithm for reliable and QoS-satisfied multimedia application services in heterogeneous vehicular ad hoc networks. A passenger can utilize multiple heterogeneous network interface cards (NICs) to transmit data packets. Our design concept is to calculate the successful delivery probability per NIC to satisfy delay requirement. Among all NICs, the NIC with the maximum successful delivery probability will be selected to send data packets.en_US
dc.subjectHomogeneous vehicular ad hoc networken_US
dc.subjectheterogeneous vehicular ad hoc networken_US
dc.subjectmultimedia streamingen_US
dc.subjectquality of serviceen_US
dc.subjectnetwork codingen_US
dc.subjectpacket schedulingen_US
dc.titlePeer-to-Peer Multimedia Streaming Services over Vehicular Ad Hoc Networ(I)en_US
Appears in Collections:Research Plans