Title: | 移動式機械臂視覺導引抓取之研究 Study of Image-Based Mobile Manipulation |
Authors: | 宋開泰 SONG KAI-TAI 國立交通大學電機與控制工程學系(所) |
Keywords: | 移動式機械臂;智慧型機器人;即時影像系統;影像辨識;mobile manipulator;intelligent robot;real-time robotic vision;image recognition |
Issue Date: | 2009 |
Abstract: | 近幾年來機器人研發的趨勢在於以機器人科技帶給人們更多的服務與協助,在提供各 種可能之協助上,一個裝有手臂的自主式機器人不僅可以提供協助,更可以進一步獨 立完成人類所賦予的事務。然要能讓此種機器人實際走入人類的居家生活中,其不僅 需要擁有足以應付複雜而多變的環境的能力,還需要進一步提升各項與人互動的功 能,更重要的是需要有穩定且安全的系統,以求能達到避免傷害到人類的基本要求。 本計畫的目的在於發展一套具備影像處理系統的機器人,使達到能在現實生活的環境 中進行自主式移動與抓取物體的功能,因而足以協助人類拿取特定物體。本計畫預計 以三年期間進行移動式機械臂的研究並將基於視覺之機器人自主式抓取分解三個主要 研究主題加以設計與探討,其一是研製一個具即時影像系統之移動式機器臂平台 (Mobile manipulator with robotic vision) ,此部分本畫預備以全向式移動平台加上一個 機械臂來達成;其二是場景分析與影像辨識,此部分主要將發展基於SIFT 之影像辨識 與處理技術;第三是抓物控制器設計,這部分將以Image-based visual servo(IBVS)為設 計之重點。經由本計畫之執行,我們預計將可展示一機器人在居家環境自主取物並提 供給需要的人。 The recent trend of robotic research is to enhance the robotic technology for more assistance and service to human beings. One possibility of increasing the skills of a robot is to provide a robotic arm to an autonomous mobile robot. In other words, a mobile manipulation with robotic vision will greatly enhance the ability of a robot. However, it is a challenge for a mobile manipulator to work in an unstructured and dynamic changing environment such in a home setting. Advanced hard and software design needs to be considered for a safe and reliable operation of a robot equipped with a manipulator. This project aims to study vision-based mobile manipulation. In the first year, we will develop image processing algorithms for object recognition based on scale invariant feature transform(SIFT). The target object will be located automatically by the robot for further approaching and grasping. The second year will be focused on the design and construct the mobile manipulator with robotic vision. We plan to adopt an omni-directional platform for giving smoother motion in a narrow space such as in a home setting. A three-degree-of-freedom robotic arm will be equipped onboard the platform. In the third year, integrated autonomous grasping of a specified object will be investigated. Image-based visual servoing techniques will be applied for the perception-based mobile manipulation design. We hope in this study a practical assistant robot will be demonstrated through free motion, grasping and bring an object back to its master. |
Gov't Doc #: | NSC96-2628-E009-152-MY3 |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/101290 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=1730295&docId=296020 |
Appears in Collections: | Research Plans |