Title: | 一種新結構能提供雙向通訊與隔離介面的直/直流電源轉換器 A New Topology for the Isolated DC/DC Converter with Bidirectional Communication through Power Transformer |
Authors: | 張隆國 CHANG LON-KOU 國立交通大學電機與控制工程學系(所) |
Keywords: | 電源轉換器;直/直流轉換器;隔離;雙向通訊;初級控制;Power Converter;DC/DC Converter;Bidirectional Communication;Isolation;Primary Side Control. |
Issue Date: | 2009 |
Abstract: | 本計畫擬發展一種新的有別於傳統隔離型直/直流電源轉換器僅提供單向的電源傳輸,這一新結構融合雙向通訊功能於隔離介面的直/直流電源轉換器內,使得轉換器兼具電源轉換與雙向通訊功能,並提供安全的隔離機制。特別適合應用於:(1) 連接網路電話與PSTN(Public Switched Telephone Network)介面的DAA(Data Access Arrangement)晶片組,可解決目前產業界使用電容作為隔離介面可能發生的雷擊漏電問題;(2) 高壓量測電路電源供應與量測訊號通訊的整合,可縮小原先電源供應與雙向量測資訊個別處理的電路體積,值得一提的是此轉換器十分適合可攜式高壓量測儀器的應用;(3) 非接觸式電源傳輸(Contact-less Power Transformation)的充電及電源管理,利用轉換器雙向通訊功能,可達到變壓器初級控制(Primary Side Control),利於監控負載充電狀態與電源管理指令的下達。
計畫第三年,將針對提升雙向通訊頻率至10MHz的需求作電路修改,並將除了隔離電源變壓器之外的所有元件積體化,進行積體電路設計與模擬驗證,並製程晶片,最後完成穩壓型10MHz雙向通訊直/直流電源轉換器的製作與功能驗證。 In this project, we will develop a new topology for the isolated DC/DC converter with the bidirectional communication function. Unlike traditional switching power supply where the power transformer delivers only the output power to the load, the new topology of power converter combines both the directional data communication path and power delivery path into one path; that is the output power transfer. There are several applications that the new isolated DC/DC converter can provider: (1) Safer communication for DAA set: The chipset of DAA (Data Access Arrangement) which is the interface between VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Phone and PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network). By using a transformer to replace capacitors as the isolation barrier of DAA, the new design can provide a safer way when lightning surge occurs and avoid of leakage current passing through the capacitors. (2) Safe portable high-voltage power meter: Through using the isolated power supply with communication function, the danger measurement can be fulfilled by this design. (3) The power management for contact-less charger: Due the charger is contact-less, photo-coupler feedback can be saved. This design can proceed the primary-side control to monitor the left charge condition of battery and proceed power saving management. In the 1st year, a new topology for DC/DC converter with 1MHz bidirectional communication through power transformer and the associated control circuit will be accomplished. The power converter will have fixed duty ratio, so that the output voltage will be a pre-regulator, since the primary target of the first year job is to settle down the design of the converter with a reliable bidirectional communication function. In the 2nd year, the DC/DC converter built in 1st year will be refined to provide regulated output voltage by feeding back the output voltage through the communication having been built in the first year. Second, some regulated topologies, the analysis of the stability of the system, and the corresponding compensation circuits will be studied. Finally, we will accomplish the DC/DC converter with output voltage regulation and 1MHz bidirectional communication, and the associated control circuit. In the 3rd year, the DC/DC converter with output voltage regulation and 10MHz bidirectional communication, and its control IC (Integrated Circuit) will be accomplished. In this year, we will modify the control circuit first to so that the whole circuit can operate up to 10MHz. And then we will proceed simulation, layout, and tape out IC. Finally, all functions will be also verified on breadboard. |
Gov't Doc #: | NSC96-2221-E009-239-MY3 |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/101331 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=1733640&docId=296798 |
Appears in Collections: | Research Plans |