標題: 後設認知策略融入建模探究教學對學生科學學習影響之研究
Effects of Metacognition When Learning with Model-Based Inquiry
作者: 王嘉瑜
Wang Chia-Yu
關鍵字: 後設認知;建模;建模探究教學;國中生物;Metacognition;modeling;model-based inquiry;middle school biology
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 本計畫將利用Windschitl, Thompson, 和Braaten (2008)等人所提出的建模探究教 學模式以及Kramarski (2004)的後設認知教學策略(IMPROVE method),針對國中一年級 自然與生活科技課程的5 個實驗單元設計「建模探究 (MBI)」以及「融入後設認知策略 的建模探究 (MBI+META)」教學模式。藉由比較不同教學模式(MBI+META、MBI)對國 中一年級學生在:(1)生物概念學習成效、(2)建模能力學習成效、以及(3)對於模型的本 質與功能和模型於科學探究中的角色之認識的結果,本研究將探討融入後設認知策略對 國中一年級學生建模探究學習成效的影響。 使用之研究工具包括:(1)生物概念成就測驗、(2) 建模探究挑戰評量、(3)Inventory of Metacognitive Self-Regulation (IMSR)問卷以及(4) Students’ Understanding of Models in Science (SUMS) 問卷。除此四項研究工具外,輔助資料的收集亦包含建模教學課程中學 生所完成之學習單。本研究亦將利用Inventory of Metacognitive Self-Regulation (IMSR) 問卷診斷國一學生的後設認知能力表現,分析後設認知能力高/低的學習者在接受不同教 學模式(MBI+META、MBI)後的生物概念學習成效,作為探討後設認知策略對於概念學 習成效影響的另一個佐證。研究過程中所發展的兩套課程與評量問題設計均可供進行相 關課程教學的現場教師所用,研究結果亦能提供教師以及課程發展者在設計建模教學課 程時,將後設認知能力納入課程設計的考量。
The present study plans to investigate the differential effects of model-based inquiry with or without metacognitive instruction on learning 7th grade biology. Four classes of 7th graders will be participated, and methods of data collection include: (1) a two-tier diagnostic instrument on 7th grade biology, (2) observations of group discussions while working on a modeling task, (3) an Inventory of Metacognitive Self-Regulation (IMSR) questionnaire, and (4) a Students’ Understanding of Models in Science (SUMS) questionnaire. The effectiveness of the two sets of instructions: model-based inquiry (MBI) and metacognitive instruction within model-based inquiry (MBI+META) will be discussed in terms of quality of students’ understanding about biology concepts, understanding of models in science, and performance on modeling ability. This study will provide empirical evidence for how integration of metacognitive instruction influences 7th graders’ learning with model-based inquiry. The findings will provide suggestions for future research on model-based inquiry and have practical implications for teachers who are interested in implementing model-based inquiry and metacognitive instructions.
官方說明文件#: NSC98-2511-S009-008
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/101380