標題: 子計畫一---飛秒超強光雷射化學之研究;子計畫二---有機太陽能電池光物理之研究
Part I Investigations of Femtosecond High Power Laser Chemistry; Part II Investigations of Photophysics of Organic Solar Cells
作者: 林聖賢
關鍵字: 高功率雷射;游離;解離;超激發態(聚集體;激子;太陽能電池;量子控制;埃秒過程);high-power laser;ionization;dissociation;super-excited state(high-power laser;ionization;dissociation;super-excited state)
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 計畫名稱:子計畫1.飛秒超強光雷射化學之研究 主持人:林聖賢 共同主持人:寺西慶哲 經費來源:行政院國家科學委員會 關鍵詞:高功率雷射、游離、解離、超激發態 本計畫中,我們持續探討發展高功率雷射質譜技術的可行性。為此,我們與實驗團 隊合作,已完成甲烷和環戊酮在高功率雷射下的游離與解離研究;接下來的步驟,我們 將轉以生物與藥物相關分子作為研究對象。 我們最近也發展了以高功率雷射產生原子與分子超激發態的理論;為驗證此理論, 我們將與實驗團隊合作,將此理論應用於氧分子和甲醛的研究。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 計畫名稱:子計畫2.有機太陽能電池光物理之研究 主持人:林聖賢 共同主持人:寺西慶哲 經費來源:行政院國家科學委員會 關鍵詞:聚集體、激子、太陽能電池、量子控制、埃秒過程 發現在染料感光有機太陽能電池中,吸附於半導體奈米粒子上的染料分子很容易形 成聚集體。這表示分子激子的光譜與動力學在有機太陽能電池裡扮演了重要角色。本計 畫中,我們將研究有機太陽能電池裡能帶內與能帶間激子動力學,以及激子對於光致電 子轉移的影響。 最近,中研院原分所的研究團隊發展出埃秒雷射(0.4 飛秒);我們將發展相關的理 論,處理埃秒等級時間解析之激發─探測實驗,並應用於太陽能電池的光致電子轉移。 寺西慶哲博士是交通大學一位新的研究成員,專長於量子控制理論。我們將合作設計一 控制系統,以改進太陽能電池的電子轉移效率。
The Department ofApplied Chemistry, National Chiao-Tung University Title:Part I-- Investigations of Femtosecond High Power Laser Chemistry Principal Investigator:S. H. Lin Co-Investigator:Y. Teranishi Sponsor:National Science Council Keywords:high-power laser; ionization; dissociation ; super-excited state In this project we continue to explore the possibility of developing a high-power laser mass spectrometry. For this purpose, in collaborating with experimentalists we have studied the high-power laser ionization-dissociation of CH4 and cyclopentanone. To continue this investigation, we turn to study the ionization-dissociation of molecules of biological and medicinal interest. Recently we have developed a theory of treating the creation of super-excited states of atoms and molecules by a high-power laser. To test our theory, in collaborating with experimentalists, we propose to apply our theory to study O2 and formaldehyde. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Title:Part II-- Investigations of Photophysics of Organic Solar Cells Principal Investigator:S. H. Lin Co-Investigator:Y. Teranishi Sponsor:National Science Council Keywords:aggregates; exciton; solar cells; quantum control; attosecond processes It has been found that in dye-sentized organic solar cells, the dye molecules adsorbed on semi-conducting nano-particles can form aggregates easily. This indicates that the spectroscopy and dynamics of molecular exciton play a very important role in organic solar cells. In this project we shall investigate both intra-band and inter-band exciton dynamics and the effect of exciton dynamics on photo-induced electron transfer in organic solar cells. The attosecond laser (0.4fs) has recently been developed by an IAMS group. We shall develop the theoretical treatment for the attosecond time-resolved pump-probe experiment and apply this theory to photo-induced electron transfer in solar cells. Teranishi, a new colleague of mine at Chiao-Tung Univ. is an expert in quantum control theory. Together we shall attempt to design a control scheme to improve the electron-transfer yield in solar cells.
官方說明文件#: NSC98-2113-M009-009
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/101385


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