標題: 尋路能力與道路環境對尋路效率影響之研究
The Effects of Way Finding Ability and Road Environment on the Way Finding Efficiency
作者: 張新立
關鍵字: 尋路能力;效率;策略;方向感;焦慮感;Way Finding Ability;Efficiency;Strategy;Sense of Direction;Anxiety
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 「尋路效率」表示一個人在尋找目的地的過程中所花費時間的長短與走錯路次數的
Way finding efficiency of one person, which is used to describe how quickly one can reach
his seeking destination safely, is determined not only by the complexity of road environment,
but also by one’s way finding ability. Low way finding efficiency will not only waste the time
and money, delay the opportune moment of relieving an injured person, sick person, or
victims of a disaster, but also produce the impatience and anxiety of way finding and bring the
danger to driving. Furthermore, one’s way finding ability is composed of his sense of
direction, familiarity of the environment, and using of way finding strategies. And the
complexity road environment is affected by the density of the buildings, the land mark, and
the pattern of the road.
This study is conducted to design a questionnaire to measure the way finding ability of road
users, develop an approach to measure the way finding efficiency, and apply different road
environments to explore how they affect people’s way finding efficiency. A face-to-face
interview is then designed to collect the required data for empirical study and the item
response theory (IRT) is applied to estimate the parameters of item difficulties and persons’
way finding abilities. The study results will not only provide the information about how the
people are suffering from finding their ways when seeking their destinations, but also help the
engineers to guide the road users with appropriate information and facilities.
官方說明文件#: NSC98-2221-E009-106
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/101394


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