標題: 可攜式EKG訊號監測與專家系統建置
Development of Portable EKG Monitoring and Expert Systems
作者: 林進燈
關鍵字: 心臟病;慢性病患;心電訊號;可攜式裝置;即時訊號分析;專家系統;居家照護;heart disease;chronic patient;EKG;portable device;real-time signal process;expert system;home-care system
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 根據行政院衛生署統計,民國九十六年國人十大死因排行榜,心臟血管疾病死亡 率居第二順位,在全球人口五大死因中,心臟病不但是全球排名第一,死亡年齡分佈 更呈現年輕化的趨勢,二、三十歲的猝死患者越來越多。在臨床上,藉由分析心電訊 號可充分瞭解病患的心臟狀況,包含心律不整,心室肥大,急性心肌梗塞等症狀。然 而傳統EKG 訊號量測,病患需躺在病床上,醫護人員將數條電極導線連接至病患身 上,再透過訊號放大與濾波,得以量測有效的EKG 信號,並且把這些原始信號輸出 至儲存媒體(Flash Disk)或是列印在紙本上,供醫生判斷心臟狀況。對於慢性病患者, 傳統EKG 量測無法達到長時間紀錄及監控,且醫生無法掌握病患於家中的生理狀況, 給予適時的診斷。因此,本計畫將發展一套可攜式即時監控EKG 訊號分析與專家系 統,讓慢性病患於居家簡易使用,針對每位病患的心電訊號特性建立專家系統和健康 照護資料庫,透過去雜訊之即時EKG 訊號分析演算法,讓EKG 訊號能在動態環境下 24 小時監控,並在心臟有異常狀況時發出警訊,達到即時訊號分析與警示等功能,對 於心血管疾病方面的問題,也可達到及早發現的功效,成為每位慢性病患最佳的健康 保全。
According to the statistics of Department of Health in Executive Yuan in Taiwan, cardiovascular disease has been listed as the second rank of the top 10 leading causes of death of 2007 in Taiwan. In the world’s top 5 major causes of death, heart disease is the number one. The trends of death caused by heart disease are younger and younger. More and more patients with heart disease suddenly died during 20-30 years old. In the clinic, EKG has been widely used as a viewing tool of cardiac structure and function. By the analysis of EKG signal, we can fully understand the situation of a person's heart, including arrhythmia, ventricular hypertrophy, symptoms such as acute myocardial infarction. Each of a different kind of heart disease will have different specific EKG profile. So this study aims to develop a portable real-time monitoring EKG signal analysis and expert system. Through the development of a set of EKG measurement hardware, the client user can self-measure EKG signals and transmit to the back-end portable expert system through wireless network technology (such as: PDA, cell phone). The expert system will learn models of the intelligent real-time warning system, providing health indexes and cardiac physiological variation warning for detection of the cardiovascular abnormalities. This will be a major benefit for users. In addition, the developed system will be integrated with the major hospitals and industrial integration in the future, building more the practical application of long-distance medical care or home care for high pressure and aging group in Taiwan society, to add more well-being.
官方說明文件#: NSC98-2221-E009-167
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/101417


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