標題: 台灣國小學童中英文閱讀與寫作的發展與跨語言關係
Exploring Reading-Writing Relations and Cross-Language Transfer in Taiwanese EFL Children
作者: 林律君
關鍵字: 國小英語;閱讀能力;寫作能力;口語能力;口語與讀寫間相關性;讀與寫之相關性;跨語言影響;讀寫發展;EFL;reading;writing;oral language;oral-language relation;reading-writing connection;cross-language transfer;literacy development
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 許多文獻指出,學童口語能力與讀寫能力有密切的相關性,而閱 讀能力與寫作能力亦是息息相關。然而大多數相關的研究均以第一 語言學習者為研究對象,對第二語言學習者口語、讀與寫三者間的 關係,以及第一語言和第二語言間跨語言現象的討論相對較少。本 研究旨在檢視:(一)台灣學習英語的國小學童口語、讀與寫三者間 的相關性;(二)國小二年級與四年級學生中英文口語、讀與寫能力 的發展;(三)學習中、英兩種不同的書寫系統是否存在跨語言的影 響?四十位國小學習英語的台灣學生將參與此一研究,其中20 位二 年級學生,20 為四年級學生。中英文測驗使用標準化測驗工具以及 本研究設計的測驗項目來評量學生的口語能力、識字能力、閱讀理 解、拼音能力、故事寫作和訊息處理能力。本研究希冀透過研究結 果來探討讀與寫間共有的認知能力以及中英文間可能存在的跨語言 關係,並進一步提供理論與實務的意涵。
Substantial research has indicated the significant and close relation between oral language proficiency and literacy development as well as a strong link between the two aspects of literacy skills (i.e., reading and writing). Most pertinent discussions, however, are generated from the studies on first-language speakers. Thus, the proposed study is designed to examine: (1) the relations among oral language, reading, and writing proficiency in Taiwanese EFL students both within each language and across Mandarin and English, (2) the developmental changes in oral language, reading, and writing abilities in both languages by comparing 2nd-grade and 4th-grade students, and (3) the presence of cross-language transfer in learning to read and write two different writing systems in an EFL context. A total of 40 Taiwanese EFL children (i.e., 20 2nd-grade and 20 4th-grade students) will participate in this study. A battery of 11 standardized or experimental tasks will be administered in English and Mandarin in five testing sections. The tasks include measures of oral language proficiency, word or character reading, reading comprehension, phonetic spelling, story writing, and speed of processing. Theoretical and practical implications will be discussed in relation to the possible shared cognitive abilities between reading and writing as well as cross-language transfers suggested by the present study.
官方說明文件#: NSC98-2410-H009-035
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/101479
Appears in Collections:Research Plans