DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorChen Chao-hsiuen_US
dc.description.abstract影響中學導師使用行動科技支援的行動績效支援系統之因素 本研究乃是延續本研究者目前正在進行的研究:「以行動科技支援中學導師工作之 行動績效支援系統的設計、發展與評鑑」,針對該研究所發展的「教師行動績效支援系 統」(UPSST),招募更多的中學導師參與使用。本研究的目的在於探討中學導師採用 UPSST時,其態度與使用行為的改變歷程,並了解在不同的階段裡,影響教師採用此行 動科技應用的因素,以及不同因素之間的交互作用關係。 UPSST的設計與建置是以電子績效支援系統(Electronic Performance Support System, EPSS)的概念為基礎,利用掌上型電腦PDAs 做為系統載具,用以幫助中學導師提昇工 作績效。UPSST的形成性評鑑結果指出,導師們對於此創新科技應用的接納程度,會受 到各類內在與外在因素的影響。由於行動科技有著與以往的教育科技不同的特性,因此 本研究者預期教師在採用行動科技於其工作情境時,其採用所歷經的階段以及經驗到的 影響因素,應與過去的相關研究結果有所差異。 本研究計畫招募十位左右的中學導師參與使用UPSST,主要採用觀察法、個別訪談 及團體訪談等方法來收集質性資料,以了解研究對象使用UPSST的態度行為的改變, 以及所感受或關注的影響因素;並輔以問卷來調查研究對象的信念、資訊素養、科技使 用習慣及其他相關背景資料;UPSST系統也會記錄研究對象使用UPSST功能的頻率及 停留時間等量化資料。本研究的結果應能提供教育研究者、決策者及教師更多關於行動 科技在教育上的應用,以及如何導入行動科技以提昇教師工作表現的想法與建議。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractFactors influencing high school homeroom teachers’ use of the Ubiquitous Performance Support System for Teachers (UPSST) This study follows a project, “the design, development, and evaluation of a ubiquitous performance support system for high school homeroom teachers”, which the researcher is conducting to develop a Ubiquitous Performance Support System for Teachers (UPSST). This present study plans to recruit more high school homeroom teachers to participate in using the UPSST, and the study purposes are to investigate the transformation processes of high school homeroom teachers’ attitudes about and behavior of the UPSST use and to explore factors influencing the teachers’ UPSST use and interrelationships of these factors. Employing PDAs as the system platform, the design and development of the UPSST intend to improve high school homeroom teachers’ performance based on concepts of Electronic Performance Support System (EPSS). The formative evaluation of the UPSST indicates homeroom teachers’ adoption of the UPSST is influenced by various internal and external factors. Owing to distinguished characteristics of mobile technology from former educational technology, the researcher anticipates that teachers adopting mobile technology in their instruction and work contexts may experience different transformation stages, contextual factors, and obstacles from the ones which have been illustrated in other relevant studies. The study will invite about ten high school homeroom teachers to voluntarily participate in using the UPSST. Methods including observations and individual and group interviews will be used to collect qualitative data to understand the participants’ attitude and behavior changes, their concerns, and contextual factors influencing their adoption of the UPSST. Asking the participants to fill out questionnaires can obtain information about their beliefs, technology literacy, technology-use habits, backgrounds, and so on. The UPSST automatically records logs about the time and frequency of function use. The results should provide educational researchers, policy decision-makers, educators with ideas and suggestions about applications of mobile technology in education and about how to adopt mobile technology to support teacher performance.en_US
dc.subjectubiquitous computingen_US
dc.subjectperformance support systemen_US
dc.subjectinnovation diffusionen_US
dc.subjectteacher changeen_US
dc.titleFactors Influencing High School Homeroom Teachers' Use of the Ubiquitous Performance Support System for Teachers (UPSST)en_US