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dc.contributor.authorLEE CHIEN-PINGen_US
dc.description.abstract台灣聯合大學奈米製程與分析核心設施計劃於六年前在國科會資助下,由交通大 學與中央大學主導正式開始執行。其宗旨為: 1. 成立一世界級的奈米製程與分析核心實驗室。提供一流設備,供台灣學術界做一 流的奈米科學研究。 2. 成為一合作研究平台,提供不同領域的研究人員共同研究與討論的場所。 3. 為一開放性實驗室,以最有效的管理,最專業的服務,以公平公正公開的方式提 供最最尖端的奈米技術服務。 六年前國科會提供了一億二仟萬元,交大、中央及台灣聯大提供三千五佰萬元及人員與 空間的支援,成立本核心實驗室,六年後的今天我們可以很自豪的說以上的宗旨,我們 都已達到並且超過預期。 我們以有限的經費,購買了兩台高解析度穿透式電子顯微鏡(HRTEM),兩台分子 束磊晶系統(MBE),一台活性離子蝕刻機(ICPRIE),一台具16T 強磁場的He3 低溫量 測系統及一台場發射掃瞄式電子顯微鏡(FESEM)。再加上大學本身配合經費所購買的設 備,如原子力顯微鏡、高解析X 光繞射儀(HRXRD)、電子束微影系統等,在良好場地 基礎上 (與交通大學半導體中心的製程實驗室共用研究專用大樓),我們建立了一所最 先進的奈米核心設施實驗室,本實驗室不僅在硬體上有一流的設備,在軟體上我們更建 立了一套有一流效率的管控制度。 我們成功的實行了儀器使用會員制度。以有限的會費,每一位使用者(計畫主持人) 均可獲得使用機台一定時數的承諾。我們以所收的會員負擔一小部份所需的材料與各種 維護費用,其著眼點當然不是在表面上的回收國家的經費投資(使用者付費),而是要具 體落實國科會支持核心設施中心目的與精神: 1.使用者以付費顯示、反應其真實研究須 求;2.使核心設施中心認知與了解具體合作、服務、重點支持對象,以有效運作來支持 仰賴儀器的奈米研究群,達到共用、維護良好之儀器的目的;3.核心設施中心取得支持 重點研究群與服務一般研究群兩個不太相同須求的平衡基礎。4.建立使用儀器會員與核 心設施中心互信的團隊精神。如今我們的會員有150 餘位,遍佈全台灣的學術單位。每 一會員的實驗室均獲得公平與即時的服務。我們的目標是讓每一位研究工作者均能把本 實驗室當成他們各人實驗的延伸。 本中心的每一項設備均有負責的博士後研究員及工程師。六年來所有的設備均維持 在最佳狀態。幾乎沒有當機及人為疏失的問題。由於奈米研究含蓋的範圍甚廣。我們的 使用者來自各領域而我們的中心也是一個真正的跨領域尖端實驗室。 當我們在規劃未來的三年的時候,我們除了要更加強及擴大研究能力與服務範圍 外,根據第一期打下來的基礎與前瞻未來研發方向,我們將本核心設施設訂三大重點發 展方向,它們是(一)奈米結構成長與製作,(二)奈米結構分析與低溫研究,(三)奈米結 構之光譜與影像分析。每一重點方向都配有核心設備與實驗室。每一重點設施方向均有 專家以服務研究社群的精神負責與規劃。我們並將與其他單位合作,共同建立這些所需 的硬體設施。例如我們已與國家奈米元件實驗室(NDL)合作成立低溫量測實驗室。我們 的低溫設備能得到NDL 在各項軟硬體上的支援。我們也與交大的半導體中心合作,利 用他們的潔淨室共同開發奈米製程。 在第一期的計劃中,我們對前兩項發展方向,在軟硬體的建立上都已具雛形,第 二期重點在維護、提升與加強,其重點包括高精度電子束微影系統,基於此設施的重要 性的認知,我們已爭取到這項設施並積極的提升該設備運作效率,我們非常期望得到國 科會持續性的支持。第三項則是我們根據世界上奈米領域最近研究方向、前瞻大新竹地 區研究設施環境須求,所提出的一個新設施建構方向:也就是建立奈米材料與元件的光 譜分析與光學顯微(Optical Nano Spectrocopy 與Imaging)實驗室,我們規劃了三個主要 核心設備系統,其目標在於獲得重點核心設施形成群聚的效益,也就是建立奈米研究測 量的完整性,及其所帶來的在研究領域內的能見度提升、並取得同類儀器可以較有效率 管理之基礎。 在所需的儀器設備上,重要的不在於大型設備的採購而在於如何設計與使用。這對 奈米核心設施是一個很具挑戰性也是深具義意的課題。在第二期計畫中,除了硬體的建 置技術外,人員的養成,儀器的保養,服務品質的提升,制度的建立都是我們努力的方 向。基於第一期的計劃中我們對國科會設立核心設施中心大目標的體會與實踐,我們已 建立了良好的基礎,我們對於未來發展成為世界第一流的奈米核心設施及研究中心是深 具信心的。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractA central facility for nano-fabrication and nano-characterization is a must if we are to have a national program in nanoscience and technology, which covers nearly all branches in natural sciences and is multi-disciplinary in nature. The facility should have the most advanced tools and instruments to allow researchers to fabricate and manipulate structures the size of a molecule and to examine the functionality of these small structures. It should also be a place that physicists, chemists, engineers and biologists can work together to tackle problems from different angles. Six years ago, the Core facility for nano-fabrication and nano-characterization was established under the NSC’s nano core facility program. With the funding support of 120M NT dollars from NSC and additional funding from NCTU, NCU and The University System of Taiwan (UST), we have built up a world-class research and service center for nano research. Today, our center is in full operation and serves the nanoscience community in the whole country. A true multi-disciplinary platform was formed because of this center and a membership program instituted by our center has created a partnership between the users and the center. Over 150 members are actively participating in the activities of the center and using its equipment as their main research tools for nano research. With the completion of the first phase of the nano core facility program, we are planning for the next three years. With the infrastructure in place, we are in a much better position than six years ago to plan what we want to do and to better serve the nanoscience community. In this second phase, we want to do three things: (1), better integrate the resources, such as funding, equipment and personnel, to operate our center more efficiently and to reach an even wider user base; (2), to build up the self-reliant maintenance and operation capability, as well as the ability to develop new instruments and processes; and (3), to establish an optical nano spectroscopy and imaging laboratory. To reach the goals set above, we need not only the funding support from NSC, we also need commitment from our universities to provide necessary support in administration, lab space, personnel and related software. NCTU and NCU are committed to do so: over the past three years, about a 20% matching fund was provided to us by the universities. The center also needs a capable staff that is committed to the highest standard required by nano research, and the involvement of expert users that can help the center to reach its full potential. The partnership that we have created between the users and the center actually serves a dual purpose: the center helping the users to do good research and the users helping the center to improve its capability and to generate new ideas for new instrumentation and technologies. To expand the functionality and the capability of the core facility, we will form a regional equipment network by including other related laboratories in the member universities. The instruments in these labs will be under a central management. Researchers using the core facility will then have access to many more instruments than what a single facility can offer. Furthermore, this core facility will collaborate with local national labs and research institutions, such as NDL, PIDC, SRRC and ITRI, to form a regional nano facility consortium to develop new experimental techniques, hardware and applications for nanotechnology. In this way, this core facility is more than just an equipment center for university research. It will serve the need in nano science and technology in the whole country. Since we are ideally located in the heart of the high-tech base in Taiwan, the impact of this core facility will be tremendous and will be felt both in the academic world and in the commercial world.en_US
dc.subjectNanotechnology Infrastructureen_US
dc.subjectnanoscience and nanotechnology researchen_US
dc.subjectOptical Nano Imaging and spectroscopyen_US
dc.subjectPhotonic crystalsen_US
dc.subjectstructure analysisfor Nanomaterialsen_US
dc.subjectchemical nanotechnologyen_US
dc.title台灣聯合大學系統奈米科技核心設施服務計畫---交通大學( I )zh_TW
dc.titleCore Facility for Nano Fabrication and Nano Characterization(I)en_US
Appears in Collections:Research Plans